Chapter 2

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Our heroes continue to search for the witch. Suddenly a dog came out of nowhere and stopped the group in there path, luckily Rob had steak in his inventory and he fed the dog the steak. The dog was a German Shepard with a beautiful soft coat. Rob decided to name him Odin (The dog u see is my brother's dog) Rob put a leash on Odin and they continued there adventure.

Rob's POV
I have a new dog and I named him Odin, He is a very beautiful dog. If only we had something from the witch for Odin to smell so Odin can find the witch.

Vikk's POV
Can u believe this, Rob has a dog. I want a dog, He's beautiful though I will say that. Though we don't have a scent to track the witch.

Mitch's POV
Aww sweet a German Shepard (I thought that would be how he sound) he looks so cool, lucky for Rob. He gets a dog and I don't.

Chapter 2 complete, hope u enjoyed it. So sorry I didn't update for like 3-4 days, I mean't to yesterday but I forgot to. Thanks for reading and more updates soon. Bye!

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