The Hotel Cortez

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It is official, me and my fiancé, Will Drake, are now the owners of the Hotel Cortez. Will wanted to buy this place so badly, he managed to convince me into agreeing. I must admit, the place sure has character. Of course, Will has plans for renovations. The only thing he does not want to change is the staff who currently work here. Apparently there are a few full-time residents as well. Though I haven't met any as of yet.

As I have another quick look around the lobby, my fiancé deals with the last of the paperwork.

"Olivia, honey." Once he is finished he prompts me to join his side. Pulling me in by the shoulder with his arm. This is the proudest I have seen him. "Isn't this great? We're going to do great things here. Just you wait." He then presses a gentle kiss against my cheek.

"Oh, I know we will." I smile contently whilst nodding in agreement. He is glad that I think so too.

"Well that is everything, I hope you both enjoy your Hotel." the Estate Agent says her last words, shaking both of our hands before making her way out.

"Thank you." Will nods his head slightly.

We both decided to get settled into the owners suite. I actually forgot how stunning the room is. It is better than anything I could ever imagine. Everything is so perfect it feels like I am in a dream. I really don't remember why I was feeling so apprehensive about buying this place.

"You look happy." Will points out as he sees the huge grin on my face. It is hard to miss. He is glad to see me smiling. Makes all this more than worthwhile.

"So do you." I make my way over, wrapping my arms around his neck and press a tender kiss against his lips.

"Told you that you would love it here. This place really does have its own personality. Just has an effect on you." He holds me close, nose pressed against mine.

"You're always right." the smile on my face increases. He sure likes the sound of that, the way he kisses me proves it.

"That I am." He agrees. "I hate to leave you here alone, even if it is just for a couple of hours." He exhales, feeling annoyed that he has work business to be dealing with. Especially now this is such a big day for us.

"Hey, like you said. You're only going to be a couple of hours." I try to make him feel more at ease by running my fingers through his dark brown hair. He loves when I do that, it brings him so much comfort. "We can celebrate when you come back." I remind him that there is still time to celebrate together.

"Yeah, we will celebrate when I get back." He kisses my forehead, feeling relaxed as ever. "I'll see you when I get back, I love you." Will quickly grabs his coat, getting ready to leave. Before he does he kisses me goodbye and I tell him that I love him too.


Once I settled myself into my room, I decided to return to the lobby to see who I would bump into. Hoping to introduce myself to some people. It sure seems quiet around here, well it is still early in the day. Perhaps that is why it isn't so lively. I spot a rather small woman at the reception desk. Her hair colour is a mixture of different shades of grey. On her face sits a pair of very large pair of glasses. She looks back at me curiously.

"Can I help you with something?" She is quick to ask me.

"Oh no, I'm just wandering around. Me and my fiancé are the new owners of the Hotel. What's your name?" I shake my head in response and explain to her why I am wandering around myself.

"Of course. Name's Iris," she answers wearily. I am not quite sure what to think of her as of yet, as she is being blunt. Though she does seem rather exhausted, like she hasn't had much sleep in days. "What's your name?"

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