Let's Get Married

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I wait outside for Will to return, he should be here any minute now. For the duration of the week, I have been adjusting to my new needs and preparing myself for his return. I need to make sure he doesn't suspect a thing. Make him believe that things are just how he left them. Otherwise, the plan me and Donovan came up with will be for nothing. It will be much easier now that I no longer feel the same way about him. I wish it didn't have to be this way. Sometimes we just have to do the things we don't want to. So that things can move forward.

A black car finally pulls up outside the Hotel Cortez. Will steps out from the back as his driver gets his suitcase and other belongings. I rush over right away and throw my arms around him tight like I normally would. He kisses me slow and passionately since he hasn't been able to for a week. I can tell he has missed me. There's so much meaning in the way that he kisses me. It's a shame that I can't feel anything in return. That I have to fake it.

"God I've missed you so much." He holds my face in his hands and takes a moment to gaze into my eyes. The phone calls just weren't enough to satisfy. He needed the real thing.

"I've missed you too. Don't ever leave me for that long again." I move in for a kiss but he pulls his face back and takes a moment to look at my face. His eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "What is it?" I ask nervously.

"It's just... I didn't think it was possible." He moves his hands onto my shoulders, his eyes stay fixed with mine. Does he know about something he shouldn't? I keep my cool, I cannot afford to slip up. Especially since he has just returned home.

"What was possible?" I smile to try and hide the anxiety in my eyes.

"You look even more beautiful than I remember. You just look absolutely gorgeous. There's something different and I can't just put my finger on it." He shakes his head in disbelief. Trying really hard to figure out what is so different about me. Whatever it is he sure seems to like it.

"I've had my hair done and switched make-up brands. Do you like it?" I quickly come up with the first lie I can think of.

"Of course, sorry for not noticing straight away. You look great honey." The look of sudden realisation spreads across his face as he falls for my lies. At least, it worked.

Will starts to unpack his things. He looks so happy to be back. If I went to Paris for a whole week I would never want to leave or come back. The reason I fell in love with Paris is when I was a teenage girl fashion meant a great deal to me, still does as a matter of fact. It is the place to be for people like me. As I grew older I started to appreciate the other parts that came along with Paris. Such as the beautiful architecture, it is so stunning. I could just stare at it for hours and never get tired of the sight. Paris comes alive at night, with all the bright lights guiding you to wherever you may be going. And the language is so beautiful. The way the words just flow into each other beautifully has always appealed to me. I'm still upset about not being able to go. Things would be a whole lot different if I did. I'd still be madly in love with my fiancé. It's funny how fast things can change. How feelings can just disappear with the click of a finger. I never thought it was possible until now.

"Listen I have a surprise for you. It won't be here for another few days at least but I just felt bad about you not going to Paris. I know how much it means to you. So I picked out a wedding dress for you. And I think as soon as it arrives, we should get married. What do you think?" Will drops this news on me out of nowhere. Leaving me speechless for a moment. He waits anxiously for me to answer him. "If that's too soon for you then I understand. I can wait. I just really want you to be my wife as soon as possible." Will gets down on both his knees in front of me. Clasping his hands together and resting them on his mouth.

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