my fairy tale

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He came like a whisper in the night,
Silent and sweet yet unexpected,
I played with the thought of him being mine,
But that would never happen,
He'd leave just like the rest did,
And I'd be left alone to shed silent tears,

I'm used to being unwanted,
I'm used to them walking away,
So now I just push them away,
Not giving them a chance,
to get close enough to hurt me,
Hurting them before they get a chance to hurt me,

But he was different,
He wouldn't go away when I pushed,
He stayed by my side,
And then I never wanted him to leave,
I've become accustomed to his company,
Mornings and nights were filled with his words,

Yet I'm still unsure,
What it all really means,
Could someone ever love me who wasn't me?,
Can I put down my walls and not be afraid they'll leave?

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