Interrogation Of Maria De Sousa

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Interrogating Officers : V. Adams, G. Davis

Date: 7/18/14
Time: 5:34 p.m

Adams: Good morning, Ms. De Sousa. My name is Sargent Adams, and this is my partner, Sargent Davis. We would like to start off by giving our condolences.

De Sousa: Thank you.

Adams: You did call 911, correct?

De Sousa: Yes.

Adams: Reports say that Harrison and Christina had been murdered the previous morning, at around 12:00.

De Sousa: I'm aware of that.

Adams: And you called the police the following morning. Wouldn't it have made sense to report the crime the morning it happened?

De Sousa: What are you trying to imply?

Adams: Nothing, if you're innocent.

De Sousa: I didn't know they were dead. I don't work on Sundays, for religious reasons. I just show up occasionally to prepare meals and such, then leave for church.

Adams: You were at church on Sunday?

De Sousa: Yes.

Adams: The Lucca's don't attend church?

De Sousa: No. Never have. That's why they're probably dead.

Adams: Please leave out the unneeded indecencies. Mr. And Mrs. Lucca were at home alone that morning?

De Sousa: No.

Adams: Who else was at the residence?

De Sousa: [pause] The children.

Adams: Brandon and Carmen, correct?

De Sousa: Yes.

Adams: They were the only ones at the home that morning?

De Sousa: Yes.

Adams: How would you know this if you weren't at the residence yourself?

De Sousa: [Pause] They aren't allowed to go out on that particular day - any day actually. Christina won't - didn't allow it.

Adams: How come?

De Sousa: The Lucca's wanted to spend more family time together.

Adams: Why?

De Sousa: Christina said something about everyone not around and such due to work and school and free time. She wanted to spend quality time with her family. Kind of banned the fun so to speak.

Adams: And were the children happy with that?

De Sousa: No. The kids [pause] really valued time with each other.

Adams: How so?

De Sousa: Carnie and Brandon felt as if the whole world was against them. Felt like they didn't belong. Especially since Christina threatened to cut them out of the will.

Adams: Why?

De Sousa: No Clue. I came in for work yesterday, and everything was quiet. Then all of a sudden, Christina bursts into a heated rage.

Adams: Could you detect anything that was said?

De Sousa: No.

Adams: And when did this happen?

De Sousa: [Pause] Maybe two, three weeks ago.

Adams: I'm assuming that's when the ban on any extracurricular activities and free time was implemented.

De Sousa : Correct.

Adams: Were the children there when you discovered the bodies of Mr. And Mrs. Lucca?

De Sousa: No.

Adams: Do you have any idea where they could be?

De Sousa: No.

Adams: Thank you for your time, Missus De Sousa.

De Sousa: Of course.

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