Chapter 13 // A y Dolor

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"I don't know how to feel about the fact that I went to school with a murderer." Camilla  said.
"You're not even sure that he is the one who killed Violetta." Francesca said matter-of-factly crossed her arms.
"Can't we just dropped the topic!? It's worse enough to know that's she's no longer here. I'm so sick of A and pain!" Ludmila was irritated. Violetta was the topic around school. Not that they really cared about who it impacted, all they cared about is that they had something to gossip about. From things like how she was killed to how she was buried. There are theories everywhere. And the liars are now known as the "death girl's best friends". Isn't that sad?

Many thoughts went through Ludmila. She knew she couldn't focus like this, so she might as well just skip a class. The enjoyed the fresh breeze on her face. Away from all the faces. Away from all the questions. It's clear that they only want answers to shush their own curiosity, not to help or to care, just to know. It's sickening how selfish people around her became. Unconsciously she walked towards her favourite clothing store. It was a pretty big white store with the words "POSSIBLE" in bright pink. She let out a nervous laughter at the memories here. The time where she basically forced Violetta to enter the shop. Everything seemed so well at the time. So peaceful. But knowing she would never get a day with her again was like the air was being sucked out of her. The feeling wasn't pleasant at all. And bad times call for desperate measures, which is window shopping and skipping in this case.

She looked around the first floor. Sparkles was found everywhere. In rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, fancy looking hair tattoos and in hair ties. Ludmila decides to look at the sunglasses. She wasn't happy with the way it looked on her face. Her face was oddly shaped by the glasses and the colour didn't even fit the peach lipstick she was wearing. She goes over to the others glasses. She found the perfect one. It had the right colour and gave her a nice shape. She wants to buy it want she returns but was shocked at the price. Suddenly the arictle she once read came up.
"Maybe I should..." She tells herself softly. She turns around for security cameras. She found the blind spot of the camera.
"I can do this." She whispers to herself over and over again. Her body starts to warm up. With shaky hands she looks for security tags and removed them. She placed them on an another pair of glasses. She slips the glasses in her bag. Ludmila holds her hands together, forcing a confident look as she walked out of the store.

She succeeded. She felt a thrill. A thrill that made her forget about what's going on.

Sorry for the late update! You know during the vacations you never remember which day it is. So I was randomly reminded of the fact that it's Sunday (in my time zone) so sorry about that!

By the way, if I die and the police wants to go through my history; I'm not a criminal. Just some crazy researcher.


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