Chapter One

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A lith figure slipped through the shadows, silvery-green eyes trained on the shape growing in front of her eyes. "Eridan?" She muttered softly, not wanting to awaken any of the others in Gamzee's hive. It had been the purpleblood's idea to have everyone come over for Tavros' wriggling day, but Nepeta was excited for a far different reason; she would be spending the night with her matesprit.

Even though Eridan and she had been in the quadrant for nearly a quarter of a sweep, the only other trolls who knew about it were Kanaya and Equius. Of course Nepeta had told Equius, he had been her Moirail since before she could remember. And Kanaya was Eridan's Moirail, although their relationship was quite new. Only an experiment for now, really. But the violetblood seemed happy, so Nepeta was happy.

"Nep? Is that you?" Eridan's words portrayed uncertainty, but his tone was light and cheerful. "Wwhere is my Catnip?" As he spoke he stepped forward, pulling the cat-troll into a tight embrace.

"Erifish!' Nepeta crooned happily into his ear-fin, kissing it gently. It was one of her favorite things about him, next to his nearly changed eyes. As he pulled away to look at her, she managed to gaze into them, awed by the light grey ring surrounding the deep amethyst iris. In less then a sweep they would be completely filled in, where as the oliveblood's eyes had only the slightest hint of green.

A mock pout on her face, Nepeta stung her arms around the seadweller's neck and whined softly. "Why do your and Feferi's eyes get to turn befur efurryone else's? They're so purretty." The corners of her mouth were turned up in a grin and she kisses her Matesprit gently on the lips. "It's like you're purrposefully trying to make me jealous."

"You? Jealous of me? I havve no idea howw that's evven possible. You're 'purrfect.'" He chuckled gently, cupping her face. "Noww, wwe could stand here and argue all night about wwho is the most adorable..." He winks and points to Nepeta, mouthing the word 'you' before continuing, "or wwe could go havve a night out."

"Well..." The oliveblooded troll grinned, covering Eridan's hand with her own, "what are we doing here still?" Nepeta gave a wink and a toothy grin before dragging him towards the door.

The still silence that had cloaked Gamzee's hive was broken by the creaking of broken and poorly stabilised flooring beneath the two troll's feet. A slight hiss of irritation crept through Nepeta's teeth, her Matesprit's earfins fanning out widely in alarm. Eridan's head whipped towards the back rooms in which the others were asleep and, hearing no noises, let out a sigh of relief.

"C'mon, let's get out of here befur anyone notices that we're gone." The high whisper rung in Eridan's ears as he pulled open the door with a smirk. Although it too made an abundance of noise, the two were almost free for the night. Watching Nepeta step outside, the seadweller quickly followed and closed the door behind him in hopes that no one would hear.

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