The Search

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You have been talking to your girlfriend Vriska Serket online for quite a long time now and you guys had finally set up a day, place, and time to meet. You were to meet her at the little café on the corner at 2:00 in just a couple days. You absolutely couldn't wait.

~ (Y/n) POV ~

You had just gotten the message. You were so excited by the fact that you are finally getting to see your girlfriend, which you had met online and have been talking to a year or so, in person. You longed to see her in person. I mean yeah you guys have exchanged pictures and all that stuff but the feeling of seeing someone up close and personal was on a whole different level! You had decided that you would go get her a cute little present so got up from you comfortable memory foam bed and put on a (f/c) tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans and your black converse and head out to get her the perfect present once you had put on your makeup. You head out the door and jump into your car and heading into the city. You stopped at a few stored here and there but you found nothing that met your standards or interests. At an old antique store, run by Mr. Ampora, you found a hidden beauty. A small figure of a cute little spider. Vriska had always told you about how fond she was of the arachnids. You decided to get the trinket for her. You rushed to the checkout, almost running into people on the way, and exchanged a few words with Eridan at the counter. "Hello (y/n), beautiful day outside isn't it?" You responded with a nod and smile and left with the words "Have a nice day, Mr. Ampora" you could feel his eyes on you as you left the small store. You never understood why he was always all over everybody. You shrugged and started the engine to your car, setting the bag next to you in the passengers seat. You made your way home, wanting to see if vriska had anything to say. You made your way inside and set the bag down and checked your computer. Nothing. 'Whatever' you thought 'I'll just check again tomorrow' you shrugged and looked at the time. 'Woah oh my gosh how did it get so late so fast?!' Your watch said 7:12 'I was gone for that long?' You questioned yourself but then decided to forget about it and hop in the shower, you were already a bit tired and by the time you got out, put some PJs on and allowed your hair to dry it would be time to be in bed. Once you were done with the list of things that needed to be done, you lay down and drifted off into a deep sleep, thinking about the meeting and your wonderful girlfriend

Vriska x Reader ~ Lucky number 8Where stories live. Discover now