Dank memes five times as emo...

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It was time. for illuminati to appear. It was the day emo-la would have a nice bowl of soup made of shapes. But she looked closely at the shapes and realized that most of them were TRIANGLES. 420 NOSCOPE ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED GET RECKT BITCH. Emo-la said "y u do dis". Bill cypher comes out of the bowl of soup and say "cuz I can bitch".  In the distance emo-las dead mother quietly whispers "roasted son". Emo-la then says "but mom I ain't yo son. Imma be yo daughter bish". Mom says "imma call you whatever I want. Bish." Emo-la then says "whatever bye Felicia😒" the illuminati 420 soup explodes and emo-la gets RECKT. her little bro slimy come in and says "heard mama has been roasting yeee." Mom then comes back from the dead and gives slimy a high five. Black sun glasses were thrown onto their faces and a hell of a guitar solo played as explosions hover around their faces. Emo-la was then depressed and sat in a corner all day long.

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