Chapter 11

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Normani hangs up the phone and flops around on her couch like a fish out of water as an abnormally high-pitched squeal comes out of her mouth. Preslee's head pops up at the sound and rotates her head from side to side as she watches Normani geek out.

Normani notices the puppy's eyes on her and slides of the couch to sit on the floor. She scoops Preslee up in her arms and scratches underneath her chin, "We're getting to see Y/N soon. Isn't that exciting," Normani coos. Preslee lets out a little bark and Normani smiles down at the yorkie. "I know. I've missed her too."


The next morning you walk into the living room to find Troy and Sullivan quietly discussing what looks like menu changes, and you plop down onto the couch next to Troy while Sullivan is sat on the coffee table in front of the both of you.

"What's up guys?"

Troy shifts his attention from the menu to you. He drapes his arm around your shoulders and you lean into the brunette, "Hey, we didn't realize that you were here."

"Yeah, I might head to campus later though. I haven't decided yet."

Sullivan sets the menu he was holding down on the table, "Really? You've been going pretty hard all week."

"It's nice to keep busy," You shrug your shoulders and you notice the two guys share a look. "What?" You ask, looking between them.

"Nothing, we just don't want you to work yourself too much. You know we just worry about you," Troy says as he spikes up his air.

"Yeah...I mean we know that you can handle yourself, but we just worry a little because of other possible stressors and..." Sullivan trails off when he looks to Troy for help and the taller guy just shakes his head for him to stop. You chuckle and roll your eyes at them because they're about as subtle as a drag queen's make up. You know that you can be a bit evasive when talking about your personal life, but it never stopped them from asking you straight up any other time.

"You two are the worst. She isn't Lord Voldemort, you can ask me about Normani," You sit up from leaning against Troy and you stifle the smirk that wants to break out onto your lips when you see both of their eyes light up.

"Okay, so what's going on with y'all? Have you talked to her yet?" Troy asks.

You close your eyes for dramatic effect before glances between the two guys. They are patiently waiting on you to answer and you slowly release a breath, "It's none of your damn business!" You cackle when they both groan and slouch where they're sitting.

"I knew it was too good to be true," Troy says as he leans back on the couch, locking eyes with Sullivan.

"Right? We walked right into that one."


It's finally Sunday and you pulled up into the parking lot of the café about five minutes ago, but you've just been sitting there watching Normani through the window like a creep. She's sitting at a small table facing the front window which gives you the perfect view of her. While sitting there staring, you grab your phone to call one of the few people in your life that can keep you calm and has yet to ever steer you wrong.

As you listen to the phone ring, you take the time to take Normani in. Her hair is cascading down her shoulders in soft waves and from where you're sitting it seems that she has on minimal makeup which allows her natural beauty to shine through. In a weird way it makes your heart melt as you watch her play with her fingers and it makes you feel like you're not overthinking things since she seems to be just as nervous as you are.

You've lost count of how many times you thought about calling her and canceling, but then ended up not going through with it. Every time you got close to dialing her number, you would remember how hopeful and eager Normani sounded when you suggested that the two of you should meet up. You don't know how, but Normani has this hold on you and there's this energy the two of you share that just keeps pulling you to her, no matter how hard you try to resist.

Heartbreak, Healing, and Learning to Love Again (Normani/You)Where stories live. Discover now