Mike and Craig

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"His name's Mike... he's really nice, girls. I'm sure you'll love him," Mum said for the third time in the last hour as she anxiously drummed her manicured nails against the sticky, varnished table, panning her eyes over every inch of the crowded restaurant.

I forced a reassuring smile and Lauren rolled her eyes.

Ten minutes later, Mum breathed a sigh of relief as a man with thick black glasses and thick black hair walked in, dragging behind him a reluctant teenage boy with the same thick, dark hair, who wore camouflage jeans, a zombie T-shirt and blue headphones slung around his neck. 'Mike' strolled up to my Mum and kissed her on the lips, and Lauren and I grimaced at each other, and the boy glared at his trainers.

"Sorry I'm late, sweetheart. Traffic was horrendous," He said apologetically. Then he turned to us and smiled a geeky, nervous smile "Hi, girls. I'm Mike... your Mum's told me lots about you,"

There was a long, awkward pause as he put his hand out to shake ours, but neither of us did. If Lauren had, then I would have too, but she was determined to hate him, and I was just too shy. He cleared his throat and nudged the boy. "Say hello, then, Craig," he prompted.

"Alright?" Craig sniffed.

Nobody said anything for at what seemed like hours, until Mum told Lauren I to go wash our hands, then we could order food.

Lauren fixed her silky chestnut hair in the mirror as I washed my hands.

"So... what do you think of him, then?" I asked.

"What? That Mike guy? Ugh, he won't last long. Ew, and that Craig! Bet he hasn't had a shower in weeks,"

I couldn't help but giggle at my older sister. Unlike me, she was never afraid to speak her mind. It didn't matter if it was to me, Mum, a teacher, or a stranger, she never kept her thoughts a secret.

The rest of the evening was tense and quiet. Mum and Mike shared a plate of baked salmon as they stared dreamily at each other, all gross and gooey-eyed. Craig sat next to me and multitasked between scoffing a cheeseburger like a pig and going pew-pew-pew with his thumbs on a game boy thingy. He smelt like sweat and zit cream. I ordered a cheese pizza and ate two slices. Lauren nibbled on lettuce and sipped water. I hated seeing Lauren eat like that, when she was already so perfect. She had a gorgeous figure and gorgeous hair, a pretty face with or without makeup and clear, glowing skin. But if she was going to be a model then she would need to stay slim. That's what she said, anyway.

"So Lauren," Mike said in a desperate attempt to spark conversation, "What are your GCSE choices?"

Lauren shrugged and turned her nose up.

"Lauren," Mum scolded, "Lauren's not taking too many exams this year, but she's currently doing work experience at a salon, aren't you, Loz?"

Lauren ignored her. There was no point in studying hard at school if she was going to grow up and become a famous model. That's what she said, anyway. None of us felt like having pudding, even after looking at the pictures on the menu of chocolate ice-cream, lashed in strawberry sauce and layered with rainbow sprinkles. Although no-one said it, we all just wanted it to be over.

In the car park, Mike leaned in through the driver's window and kissed Mum again. It lasted longer this time, and even made a snoggy noise when Mike leaned away. I said nothing, but Lauren audibly retched, and Mum didn't half glare. Mike smiled and waved as we drove away.

"So?" Mum squirmed, "Come on! The suspense is killing me! What did you think of him?"

I thought about my answer for a minute, but Lauren immediately blurted out, "Isn't he a bit old for you, Mum?"

I gawked at her. My sister's obliviousness to where to draw the line and when she had crossed one continued to amaze me. But Mum just laughed it off.

"Actually, no. He's thirty six, only three years older than me, thank you very much,"

Lauren looked frustrated. She would have to find another reason to hate him.

"What did you think of him, Millie?"

What did I think of him? I thought he was a nice man. But he wasn't my Dad. He was just some random, smiley bloke who thought he could just stroll in and snog my Mum and butt into our life with his big glasses and his stupid, smelly son.

"He's, uum...smiley," I said.

"Good, good... That's a good thing, right?" she asked, looking a little underwhelmed. I nodded. "Well... Could have gone worse," Mum muttered, but I don't think she meant for us to hear that.


Okay so I know this is a fan fiction account so some people might not want to read this story and that's fine but I'm focusing a bit more on stories like this for a while now. This was kind of personal so a little scary to upload, but I really hope you like it and sorry if you don't! Please comment down below requests/what you think will happen next and don't forget to vote!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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