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Darian has always believed that love was shared between two people, who will cherish, commit, and be faithful to one another. But as soon as Darian grew up, her definition of love was crushed.

Darian witnessed her parents go through tragic moments of verbal abuse and infidelity between the two people she thought loved one another. Her father would come home late at night, causing an uproar with his wife of his whereabouts. The two--Nathaniel and Senxere--started to become cold towards each other after five years and two daughters later.

The thought of them two being divorced never crossed Darian's nine year old mind as she was digging through her closet of paradise, a passageway to peace when her parents would fight, trying to find the one thing that could make her happier than a fat man eating sweets on a Saturday night.

Toy after toy being thrown behind her, the next object she touched made her gasped in shock. Her 2006 Canon PowerShot A530 with 5.0 mega pixels, 5.8-23.2 mm camera lens, and a canon zoom lens with 4x optical zoom. Her grandpa Pete bought this delightful camera for her 7th birthday.

Photography has always been a hobby that Darian loved. She would find these exotic and forensic places to take pictures and blow them out. She would also decorate her bedroom, filled with the blown out pictures she took reminding her of her conquest to seek answers behind the photos that each of them carry.

She held the camera close to her chest as if it was the only last object on earth. The echos of the constant arguing between her mother and father only makes her squirm in discomfort. Darian only wants to have her family back together again, but now she sees that it's too late.

They will never be together again.


Skipping four years later, she had discovered her first real kiss from her crush at Percy Julian Middle School. It was the spring of 2010, the weather showered plants and trees with rainfall and dews on the leaves of pine trees. Darian was the outcast who still believed in love from books, movies and reality tv shows. Even though Darian's parents never taught her the true meaning of love, she had to learn it the hard way. The learning of love by action.

There stood, in the cafeteria, the boy who had her thirteen year old heart thumping, Alex Frasier. The 5'5 lightskin, pretty smile, curly haired boy who wooed the girls with his charm, looks, and athleticsm. Dariam was going through her locker as the bell rang for the end of the school hour. The sound of running maniacs escalating through the thin paper-shaped walls. Darian was only trying to find her precious OneStep Polaroid Land Camera, the one that gave her the most richest, cleanest, and defined pictures in mankind. She would be lost without her little buddy hanging around her neck like a piece of jewerly.

With a hint of glee, she finally found her polaroid closing the locker firmly. The next thing she knew, Alex Fraiser--the cute boy in seventh grade--was right in front of her presence, making her hitch her breath in the back of her throat.

'It was him. It was really him standing in front of me' Darian thought as she jumped for joy inside her mind.

Her stomach was doing all kinds of backflips, never thinking this would happen to the small, silent, and patient girl who's eyes were always glued to her camera.

Alex showed his smile just to be friendly. "Hey."

Her heart flutters with nervousness but tingles of passion. "H-Hi"

"I was just wondering if you would like to get some ice cream this afternoon?"

Darian's eyes blossomed in shock. She totally did not see this coming. The only thing she could do was stare, but she didn't want to give the wrong impresson of saying no. "Um, are you s-serious?"

Alex chuckles at her stuttering, he kinda thought it was adorable, "Yes, I'm very serious. I've always wanted to take you out when I first saw you, but I was nervous to ask." He begins to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment, "I thought you think as it was dorky of something."

Darian giggles shyly but still in shock. 'Wow' she thought. 'He really wants to ask me out!'

"No!" Darian says clearly, "It wasn't dorky at all. I would love to get ice cream with you."

"Great. I'll see you at Margie's Candies at say four o'clock?"

"Perfect. Thanks for asking me out."

"Thank you for saying yes."


After an evening with Alex, he decided to walk Darian back to her house. The sound of birds chirping in song, the wind sweeped the leaves on the walkway. Their conversations in the ice cream parlor were addictive, both of them captivated each other's presence with the same activities and love for music, sports, and hobbies. It was one of thise moments where Darian will keep forever.

They stopped in front of Darian's door. Alex had a special surprise for Darian, but he wanted to wait until the end.

"I really had a good time, you sure know your ice cream."

Alex smiles, "Eh, it's no problem cause you know I love my ice cream!"

Both of them erupts in laughter as the chemistry between the two soars between the two.

"You know," Alex walks up closer to Darian. "I really liked you throughout the school year"

Darian tilts her head to side with confusion, "Really? I would've never guess that."

"Well it's true. I liked your style and how you're so focus in school and your hobby. Photography is really somthing spectacular."

"Yeah, it's something I would love to pursue when I go to college."

"That's amazing. I really want to become a basketball player for the Chicago Bulls. If that doesn't work out, I can always follow my dad's footsteps and become a Neonatologist."

Darian nods with admiration. She never knew that a guy like him would even have interest in medicine. Majority of the boys in her school always want to be pro basketball, football, track, etc. She has nothing against people who love sports, but she believes there's more to occupations besides sports related.

"That's something I've never heard a boy say. It's amazing how you have a backup plan."

"Well someone has to." The two of them laughed sliently, "So, this is good night then."

Darian chuckles, "Yes it is. Goodnight, Alex." Darian waves as she turns to unlock her front door. But before she could get inside, Alex swiftly turns her around and plastered his lips against hers.


You may had thought that Darian and Alex were the "it couple" after that day. Well, you are wrong. The next day, Alex had to move back to Delaware. His mother had gotten her old job back as a Crimimal Defense Lawyer in Wilmington, Delaware. As soon Darian heard the news in her small valley, her heart, that was once glued back together again, cracked into tiny pieces. The heartache burned as tears streamed down Darian's soft hushed face. Love did not rescued her like she thought it would.

Her definition of 'love' failed again. Darian now wonders--within her then thirteen year old self--will she find love in the future?

That's what she's about to find out.


Tessa Thompson as Darian Thomas in the MM.

Hope x Who Am I To Say in the MM.

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