Chapter 3.

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  • Dedicated to Everyone.

.:Jeremy's P.O.V:.

I had a large grin plastered on my face as I looked at the plain yet great homepage on YouTube, TheMysteryGrace updated her usual Friday video on time, I had a break from practicing lines for the needy Live action show 'Incredible Crew' and I had a break from my excitable family, I loved the work of TMG, her ability to use her voice like that inspired me to continue and do my best when I comes to voice acting, just hearing her voice makes me shake with joy.

My white Iphone lit up and let the familar beeping noise to alert me that I had I message, I paused the video and picked my phone up

Logan: Hey want 2 go hang out at the mall tomoz?

Me: Sure thing what time?

I threw my phone to the side, not caring where it landed as long as it stayed close, totally forgetting about the response I was awaiting for I continued with the video, it had a minute or so left so it wouldn't be a big deal if I ignored him until the video ended, I was stuck in a trance, the videos TMG made were amazing, the fact she was a mystery made me more committed to her videos so I could find out who was behind the screen, she said she would reveal herself once she hit 1 million subscribers but would she give up everything that brought her viewers into her videos more? Maybe I'm over thinking it, but she doesn't have much time until she finally has to give away her true self, would she be: blond and geeky? Nah, I thought of her as a 20 year old brunette, her voice fit it although some of Marceline's traits rub off on me, is she using the voice in order to show her personality or is she completely the opposite? Whatever.

The screen went black and I reached over to my phone which was on the bed behind me, luckily I could grab it

Logan: 11:30?

Me: Sure man, see you then.

And with that I closed my computer off and switched my PS3 on and went on Black Ops, maybe I'd be lucky to catch her there, let's not give up.

.:The next day:.

.:3rd person:.

The two boys pulled up to the mall in a small jet black dirty car with what seems to have no roof, the radio blaring rock music chosen by Jeremy disturbing some of the shoppers, smirks appeared on both of their porcelain faces masked by large sunglasses, on a sunny and hot day like this it was hard to walk around without some sort of eye protection, it was decided they'd take the ride together in Jeremy's old-ish car since he didn't really want to replace the still fully function beauty which really was just a bunch of metal to other people,

"Hey, wanna grab a bite to eat?" Logan questioned, his voice was excited, almost like he planned something

"Sure." Jeremy responded, the car suddenly started to spit out a roof, it glided just above their heads, making a clicking noise once it was in place, the keys were ripped from the ignition and the loud music stopped, they both climbed out of the shady car and into the sunlight once again, both of the windows up tight, they both knew it would be like a sauna once they renter the car considering it wasn't in the shade.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mall was a small, bored redhead tapping her small feet impatiently, she was clearly waiting for something, with a small huff she turned 180 degrees and stormed into the cool mall, the multiple smells of cologne and perfume practically slapping her face as she entered through the door near all the designer shops that of course... Sold their own fragrances, eager to get away from the strong fragrances that simulated a feeling of someone ripping her fragile nose apart, she soon enough arrived at the food court, the soft smell of meat and other types of food caressed her nose, pulling her in closer, her eyes darting around looking for Pizza Hut, soon enough she spotted it, she loved pizza it was her second favourite food - after steak of course, she liked it medium rare and roasting hot, she snapped out the thought of steak and headed towards Pizza Hut, since it was close to lunch time the queue was quite busy and it wasn't long until she has two boys behind her then a whole bunch of people behind them, it sucked being here at this time.

.:Logan's P.O.V:.

Soon enough we arrived at the food court, there was a bunch of people, Jeremy wanted to go Pizza Hut and luckily there was a stall for it, once he noticed he ran over there, leaving me in the dust, surely he knew I'd catch up to him, right? Once I pushed past plenty of people I joined him and we were waiting behind a whole lot of people, I caught Jeremy staring at the small redheaded girl in front of us, she had to be around 5,2 since she was so small, I couldn't really tell what she looked like because she was facing forward.

"Hey Jer, I'm just gonna go to the toilet." I pretty much whispered, all I got was a grunt and a nod, I calmly walked towards the toliet.

.:Jeremy's P.O.V:.

I tapped my foot waiting in this long queue that looked like it wasn't moving anywhere anytime soon, I huffed out all my anger, even though I only just got in this queue I felt like I was in it for an eternity and the hypnotising smell of the pizza hugged my nose, not letting go or forget about how hungry I was; I felt bad for the small red haired girl in front of me, she was alone and by her body language you could tell she was inpatient

"Hey... Miss?" I smiled, hoping for a response, soon enough she turned around, her blue eyes making contact with mine, her eyes were strange it was a mix of blue and green but I've never seen anything like hers

"Yes?" She spoke, her voice soft yet mature like it was praticed, it sounded pretty close to Olivia Olson yet the softness of it said otherwise

"I was just... Eh, wondering how long you've been in this queue, do you know?" I questioned here, nervousness was present in my voice even though I tried to hide it, I quickly flashed my signature grin hoping she didn't notice, she smiled a toothy white grin back, she pulled out her phone and appeared to check the time on her device

"I'd say... Ten minutes." she responded in the same voice with a pause in the middle of the sentence almost as if she wasn't sure at first, although it seemed she was pretty use to talking, maybe she read for a group of people or even an actor, no... She'd be more secretive, wouldn't she? It took me a while to notice we were just staring at each other in silence

"Oh, damn I've got a long wait" I groaned noticing her facial features softened

"Yeah, I wouldn't really be here if it wasn't for my friend though" She pretty much pouted

"Huh?" I questioned, my face forming into a confused look

"I got ditched, I was meant to meet a friend here but she never arrived so I thought I'd grab some pizza before leaving." She let out a small sigh

"Well, I think my friend just ditched me too, want to eat together... If we ever get some food?" I attempted, hoping she'd agree, she seemed like an interesting character, I wanted to get to know her, I looked at her face it was pretty obvious she was thinking this through, what was even better was the fact she had an Adventure Time purse yet she was unable to identify me, or maybe she did and didn't want to say anything, she nodded slightly as if she was unsure "Awesome.".

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