Chapter 2: Racing Outside

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Winning Choice: Race outside to try and catch up with the people who did this to him.

I lurch forward, frantic to catch the tan man and the people who just left. My legs still feel strange and a bit unsteady but don’t seem in danger of collapse. I run towards the open loading door and hear the crumpled table topple to the floor behind me.

I burst out of the door into the sunshine completely out of control. The light sears my eyes as if I'm staring directly into the sun. I catch a brief glimpse of a long narrow alleyway and the edge of a loading dock at my feet before the world goes white. I throw my arms up over my burning eyes and jump reflexively to avoid falling from the loading dock. Instead of falling I sail across the entire width of the alleyway, tumbling and twisting, and slam hard against the wall on the far side.

I crash to the ground, heart racing, and the sound of traffic fills my ears. I'm certain I'm about to be run over, but nothing happens. My eyes clear a bit but I have to squint against not just the light but all the colors. Even the ground in the alley vibrates and pulses with intense rainbows that make my head pound. I wonder if I'm hallucinating, maybe from some drug that hadn’t entirely worn off yet. 

Construction signs at both ends of the alley close it off, and I’m guessing they were placed there by my captors. The traffic I hear is at the far end of the alley where it empties onto a major street, but it thunders in my ears like it is right on top of me. And there, just turning out onto the street is a white van. Their van. I’m not sure how, but even at this distance I recognize the sound of the engine.

I think about Nicole, my wife. My captors said I’ve been here for three weeks. She must be frantic. Has she given up searching? Does she think I'm dead? I have to get back to her, but I know this is my one chance to get answers from the people who did this to me.

I stand, bits of crumbled brick sliding from my back. The wall where I hit has a small crater in it from my impact, but my back feels fine. I reach around to feel for blood, but I don’t seem to have a scratch. How are my bones not broken?

I push forward, running more carefully, struggling to focus amidst all the intense light and noise. My caution still isn’t enough and in a flash I'm at the end of the alley, hurtling past the sidewalk, with my momentum sending me flying into traffic. Screaming in confusion I plow into the side of a white Prius, caving in the passenger door, and careen forward onto the asphalt. Brakes screech as cars try to avoid hitting me, and I roll a few times on the hot road. Several hard metal crunches tell me at least a few cars didn’t manage to stop in time. I pound a fist into the pavement in helpless frustration, sending small bits of rock into the air.

The Prius’ driver, a skinny young man in dark skinny jeans, is already climbing out of his car. “Hey, man, are you okay? I… holy cow, dude!”

I get to my feet. I look at the Prius’ driver, but the young man doesn’t make eye contact. He’s looking considerably lower. I look down. I'm still naked, but now I really feel naked. Other drivers are getting out of their cars. Some are yelling at each other and looking at their cars, but quite a few are checking out the crazy, naked man in the middle of the road. Smirking, one woman turns her cellphone towards me to take my picture.

I’m not sure whether to rage or cry and drop my hands to protect what little modesty I have left. Behind me I can hear the van fading almost out of earshot. Can I really catch it on foot, even as fast as I seem to be moving? Maybe I would be better off stealing the Prius and trying to follow them. Either way the police will be here soon, so I have to move.

Should Brandon:

1. Chase after the van on foot (and maybe look for pants along the way)?
2. Try to steal the skinny man’s Prius and follow the van? (Winning vote (mostly))
3. Wait for the police and tell them what happened?
4. Head home to find his wife, Nicole?

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