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Morning sun starts shining through Louis' windows. A rich, handsome, and athletic English lad. Also proud with his sexuality. Yeah do ya hear me? He's gay. He's check the clock on his bedroom's wall. Its 7.00 a.m. Its Monday. He needs to go to school, East High School London. His school will be start on 8.00 a.m so he needs to get ready quickly. He's not take a bath. Just brush his teeth, wash his face, wears his blue jeans, wears his snapback, wears his adidas shoes, wears his adidas t-shirt. He loves Adidas a lot. He grabs his car key and also take her sisters to school. Yeah, he lives in a big mansion, somewhere at London. His parents lives in New York, work for a big English company.

"Lottie, Fiz, Daisy, Phoebe!! Come on! We're getting late for school!!" He yells from the living hall.

His sisters go downstairs and comes to Louis. And then he goes to school with his Ferrari.

But, he take his sisters to their school first.


Different story from Harry, a rich, gorgeous, and boys crushes who is a famous cheerleader team captain. He used to be shipped by Louis, the football captain. But, Louis didn't notice him, yet. Harry has a crush with a basketball captain, Ashton Irwin. But sadly, Ashton is straight and have a girlfriend named Bryana. Oh yeah, he was so awful at that time and need to accept the fact that he's also the one who helps Ashton makes Bryana became his girlfriend.

Harry just off to school because his bff (Cara, Kendall, Luke) pick him up to school. He wears his white Adidas crop top, black mini-skirt, and a Converse. Oh and don't forget that he wears Victoria's Secret bra. The big one.

He's glad that he's not the only one crossdresser. 

There's Luke. He has a boyfriend, Calum Hood. The footballer of East High and also Louis' bestfriend.

"So, Haz. I don't want you to broke just because Ashton already has a girlfriend. I want to introduce you with Wild Knights football team captain, Louis. He's Cally's bestfriend." say Luke.

"Umm.. I think its not neccesary." answer Harry.

"Oh come on! You have to accompany me to the field."

"No, Luke. No means-" he stop because Luke give that puppy eyes from his innocent blue orbs. Plus, with hands like begging.

"You what Haz? Luke is right. You must meet this Louis." say Cara.

"And you must accompany Luke to field." add Kendall.

"Yeah totally agree. While I and Kendall will go shopping together!" say Cara.

"HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Harry and Luke angry.

Luke staring at Harry and still begging until Harry say "Ok fine!" and Luke thanking Harry.


Today, class was free. And no cheerleading practice for today. So, Luke urge Harry to go to the field where Wild Knights was practice. Calum is playing football with his team. And then Luke with Harry seat on audience's seat. And then Calum makes a goal and Luke scream "GOAL!!" like a monkey in labor and he jump. Suddenly, Calum realize that Luke is watching him. Calum wave his hand to Luke and Luke give a blow kiss and yell "I LOVE YOU CALUM" and Calum answer with yell "LOVE YOU TOO, PRINCESS!" Oh yeah Luke is blushing while Louis yell "Calum, please focus! For fuck sake!" and Louis mumbled under his breath "What a fucking stupid."


Everyone is take a break. Luke is busy with taking care his 'baby'. But Harry wants to pee. So he go to bathroom. He's rich and his father is a co-owner of East High School so he has a private toilet where no one can abuse him.

So, after he from toilet... He go back to audience's seat and whoops! Harry is stumble and someone's catch him.

And guess who catch Harry?

Yup, its Louis Tomlinson.



I know guys this prologue is very cheesy but I try to do my best for this story.

Happy, Larry, Peace,

Hazel xx

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