The Aftermath

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       Falling Darkness: The Aftermath


            I looked at him and smiled. I finally chose, I finally knew who I could spend the rest of my life with. And, granted, it wasn’t who I’d thought it would be, but it didn’t matter because I loved him through and through. Passion and love rolled up into a ball and it was all of that. I guess it had to happen this way because I had actually decided long ago that he was the one, that moment at the creek.




Rave’s POV


Chapter 1: Oblivion



            Do you know what oblivion feels like? Probably not, but I know I do. It feels really good because all your problems just float away and you don’t think about anything. I mean you barely even act. I know that it kinda sucks because it’s really hard to remember anything or speak or even have a coherent thought because nothing sticks. Every thought is fleeting. But you can still see although there’s this thin film on everything like everything’s behind a screen and it all has this dreamy-like quality. So yeah, I saw everything that happened to me and recognized it too. But I couldn’t bring great thoughts to mind, you know. Like, for instance when I saw Bill, all I could do was say Rex’s name, but I couldn’t say something like, “Look Rex, here’s your daddy.” Let’s be real it doesn’t work like that, although the whole baby daddy drama was taken care of for me. So yeah, I saw the guy that came and dragged me off to that godforsaken warehouse where that poor little boy still sat rocking and sucking on his thumb.

            Another thing that’s cool about it too is that you can sense other people that are in oblivion just like you. So imagine my excitement when I realize that Rex is feeling the same thing I was and then my confusion when he suddenly stopped feeling it. Then my distrust when I see him walk through the doorway not that long afterwards with his daddy not far behind. Also try to imagine how I felt when I realized that I could choose to either remain in oblivion or return back to my problems and coherent thought. So, yeah, it was pretty hard to decide and I knew that they were waiting on my answer.

            It was like yes and no. Yes I do want to remain in oblivion, but no I don’t want to remain in oblivion. Yes I do want coherent thought back, but no I don’t want coherent thought back. My thought processes kept churning. I would start reaching for oblivion, but then I’d see Doc’s hopeful face and realize that I couldn’t do that to him. So I tussled back in forth, realizing that suddenly I could think and I didn’t really like it, but what choice did I have?

            Finally I decided when Rex grew weak on his feet and slumped over me in exhaustion and Doc slumped into a chair in sleep. I opened my eyes to a clear world, one I barely remembered and placed my fingers in Rex’s soft hair unaware of Bill’s somber eyes gazing at me. And that morning I made everyone breakfast all smiles and laughter. Doc broke his face in half in a big ol’ grin and Rex hugged me tighter than he ever did before and I kissed him. How long had it been since I had kissed him? It felt like years.

            “I’m so sorry Rave,” he cried, a tear slipping from his eye. “I caused you to break. If only I hadn’t…”

            “All water under the bridge,” I interrupted him, going on my tiptoes to kiss him again.

            I don’t know when I had forgiven him, but it didn’t take a second thought. I didn’t blame anyone for my implode anymore and as I served them eggs, bacon, and pancakes, I knew that I had made the right choice.

Falling DarknessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora