Drama in destiny high School Part 3

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I lay down on my bed.Its hard not to think about beatrice.I know she cares about me and i care about her too.But what if our relationship does not work out? How do i know for sure that our relationship is right? I stare out the window and try to sleep but beatrice comes right back into my mind.I called her early today and we had a good conversation.We got to know eachother more and we were talking about our personal lives.I finally fell asleep.Or maybe not...my phone was ringing...it was beatrice.why would she call this late? i pick up the phone.''beatrice? whats wrong?''.Nothing but static...''beatrice? are you okay?''.Still nothing.Then i hear her...''eric...i'm sorry this happened but i can't be with you anymore''.Did i hear that right? she wants to break up with me already? We just met!!!! whats going on?.''what?! but...'' she hung up.I stood there with shock.I know she lives.I could go to her house to see whats wrong.I get dressed and run to beatrice's house.Its big and blue.I knock on the door.''Hello? beatrice? are you there?'' No answer.I knock 3 more times.silence.Now i'm really scared whats happenning? I throw a rock at beatrice's window.Still nothing.Now there's only way to find out whats going on...i have to break into the house.I kick the door open.I walk into the house.The house looks deserted.''beatrice? whats going on?''.Then i hear footsteps.I turn around slowly.Its hard to see since the lights are off.''eric!!!'' says a voice and i turn the light on.Beatrice is standing righ in front of me.''eric!!! you have to go!!! he'll find you!!!'' she said.''who? who will find me? are you going to tell me whats going on?'' i yelled.''Its my dad...he hates you and he said that i ever talk to you,he will find you and hurt you!'' beatrice said.''Don't listen to your dad!'' i said.Beatrice walks around the living room nervously.''but i always listen to him! ever since mom died!''.beatrice sits down on the couch.Maybe i should talk to her dad.''where is your dad? i want to talk to him.'' i said.Beatrice looks at me with horror.''No!!! he'll hurt you! and i will not let that happen!!!'' beatrice screamed with anger.I sit beside her on the couch.''But what about us?'' i asked.I don't want to leave her.Beatrice quickly grabs my hand.''I know this is hard but we can't be together.Its for your own good.'' said beatrice.I look into her eyes.''Be honest with me.do you really want to break up with me?''.Beatrice starts to cry.''No but if we continue dating then my dad will find you.''  I hold her hand tightly as if i'm afraid i'll lose her if i let go.''beatrice...your dad does not have to know.We can secretly date and he will never find out.'' Beatrice stares at me.Will she listen to her dad or will she listen to me? ''eric...no one should know.not even our friends.'' beatrice said.''Don't worry.No one will know.'' i said.I smile at her and she slightly smiles back.''Beatrice...'' I wanted to tell her something but then i hear footsteps.''Oh no!!! You have to go!!! i'll see you tomorow.'' beatrice hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.I waved good-bye and ran out of the house...I look back and she smiles....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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