22: Problems

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Me and Cory decided to chill at the rec center a little bit before he headed off to practice and basically talk about a lot of things. There were things that I wanted a personal explanation and I knew that the same went for him with me. He was just so down to earth and humble about everything in life the things that he went through I wanted to know the story about it.

“So can you talk about Alex,” I cleared my throat, “I mean if you want to.” He smiled and cleared his throat.

“It’s ok, I’ve learned to deal with the passing of someone who was like a brother to me and really was by my side through anything.” He explained and I nodded my head, “When he passed its something that I couldn’t really handle at first, I wanted to literally throw my whole life away from football to my own life really, then I thought about something, I have something to live for,” he looked at me and smiled and I couldn’t help but turn my head and smile.

“I felt the same way my mother died, it really stabbed me in the heart, I wanted to really end life and just be up there with her, then I thought about my father, my brother and sisters and almost everyone who really was there for me around the time she passed.”

He nodded his head and leaned close to me and put his arm around my shoulder and looked up at the sky.

“Hey you never know, your mom and my best friend could be sitting there just watching both of us, they could be the reason why we are together.” I looked at him and laughed.

I looked at the sky and smiled, my mom and his best friend actually came with a great match up for me.

“Ay Cory! Practice time man its time to strap up!” I heard someone yell and looked over to see a dude racing inside of the locker room.

“Aight man give me a minute alright?” he said and I looked over at them and they sighed and walked inside.

Cory suddenly looked at me and smiled, “duties calls,” and I smiled at kissed him softly on the lips.

“I know, don’t want to keep you worried about anything especially college football, you know I know a little something something about football?” I said and he smiled and kissed me again.

“Alright, I’ll see you maybe tomorrow the same times, you know the-”

“Two a days, I know.” I smiled and he got up and ran over to his team and I sat there on the steps and looked over as people just walked passed.

Suddenly my phone rang off the hook and it was Adia calling me. Happy to hear from my younger sister.

“Hey Adia, what’s up?” I answered and I could hear tears on the phone, “Adia what’s wrong, talk to me.” I said getting up and walking to my dorm.

“Alia, something happened to daddy.” She sobbed and my heart ached just a little.

“Where’s Aziza, Adia?” I asked and she sobbed.

“Her and daddy got into an argument and she left then daddy went to work the next morning and then something went wrong with his breathing.” She explained and I sighed, “Alia I’m scared. There is no one here.” She cried and I sighed.

I couldn’t leave here during school time but anything with family, I had to do it.

“I’m coming Adia by tomorrow.” I said and made my way to the dorm.

I had to pack really quickly, I had to go home.

Trouble! I guess someone is going back home! How you do you feel about her going back home? Since We Cant Get To 30 Comments...... 20 Comments And I'll Upload!!!!!! 

Love Yall - Camisha ♥

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