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A picture of Vincenzio but you can still imagine him the way you want.

Are you ever in a moment in your life where you feel like you might die soon?


Too fücking bad

Because as soon as I heard the deep voice of my, so called cellmate speak, I knew I was doomed to the moon and back.

"You mind facing me? I mean your ass is hot and all, but I like to look into my victims eyes as I see the light draining from them when I kill them slowly and painfully"

Yep I was officially dead.

I slowly turned around to face my damnation, making sure to take my sweet ass time.

I regretted ever turning around.

Because right in front of me, stood a 6'1" tall male with dark chocolate brown hair, swept back, beautiful green eyes glittering a pretty colour with malice, tattoos nearly everywhere on his body, piercing several places on his ears and a silver nose piercing.

It put me to shame, not that I was conceited, or anything.

Not only did he make me self conscious about myself and my 5'10" height, he actually made me check him out.

Now this might not see like a big deal to anyone but...
I. Don't. Check. Anyone. Out. Like. This.

Yes there were the occasional once overs and checking out of the ass but I never literally, did a full body check up, especially since no one attracted this much attention from me.

I mean it isn't much of a surprise that I don't jump from guy to guy since I'm a virgin and a proud one to be exact.

Yes, there were A LOT of girls who used to come up to me, but none of them knew that I didn't swing that way.

It also didn't help that I just met the guy and I'm already imagining how it must feel to be poun-

"Are you listening to me?" A voice growled out, again.

Snapping out of my daze of checking him out, I looked up to see him smirking down at me and taking his sweet ass time, checking me out and doing a once over certain places along the way .

"My, my, what do we have here?" He was still smirking as he said this, his eyes shining with deadly intent, slowly walking towards me and circling me like he was hunting his next prey.

He stood in front me and lifted my chin up towards his face, giving me a close examination and when I flinched from his touch and tried to push him away, his normally bright eyes darkened considerably, bringing my face, back closely to his.

He was looking down at my lips with a thoughtful expression and in that moment I made another mistake.

"What the hell, are you doing!?" I asked him raising my voice as I pushed him away.

If eyes could darken this much, I wouldn't have been wondering if he was indeed the recreation of satan himself.

He lifted his hand and I automatically closed my eyes and waited for the blow that would. end me for good.

What, you think that I'm being an over dramatic, wuss?

The guys glare could turn medusa into stone.

He can glare at me anytime, especially with those pretty gree-

Shaking myself out of my subconsciouses thoughts and preparing myself for his fist, I realised something.

Nothing came.

That was the moment, I felt a soft hand caressing my face.

I opened my eyes to stare into ones that were looking at me, looking into me, into my soul...

If I even have one in the first place.

Ok moment ruined.

He loosened his soft grip of my face and brought the side of my face against his mouth as I felt him breathe hotly against my ear as he spoke.

"I'll let you, talking back to me, slide for now but you are my cellmate so don't even think you can escape from me." He hissed.

Did he just hiss? Was he speaking parseltongue or something?

I gulped loudly. Jeez, what was this guys problem

" What do you want from me?" I asked, staring intently at him.

He looked at me with a lopsided grin at my confused and nervous expression.

"That's simple." He replied.

I looked at him, confused again, waiting for him to continue.

"I want you "
I looked into his eyes, confusion turning into anger.

"Too bad you can't have me" I spoke back in a deathly, calm tone.

He examined me with his poker face before turning it back to the permanent smirk embedded into his beautifull face.

"We'll see about that." He answered, turning back to the door.

He then stopped in his tracks turning his head back.

"Oh? and roomie..." I glanced at him, dreading what he was about to say.

"Welcome home."

The metal, cell door closed, leaving me with one last thought.

Well I'm screwed.

Hey people of the Internet! Sorry I updated so late but I was kinda busy.
Hope you liked the chapter, please vote and comment (come on don't be shy it make me happy)
Until next time

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