Christmas Special - anyone x reader

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Y/N = your name
Y/H = your house
Y/C = the character you like
E/C = eye colour
Anything you don't understand, just ask.

It was Christmas day and you were stuck at Hogwarts. Your parents let you down and went on holiday without you. There were no gifts beside your bed in your dormitory and you were alone as all of your friends had gone home for the holidays. The only upside of being abandoned in school was that Y/C was there too!

You weren't close friends with him/her but you did still talk. One way to put it was that you were friendly but not friends.

You trudged to the great hall for breakfast and groaned- every where you could see was covered in glistening tinsel and decorations. Everyone was sat with their friends, discussing what they had previously received. Why couldn't they be sensitive?

Y/C saw the look on your face and felt his/her heart break. "Hey, Y/N! Come and sit over here with me!" You trudged over whilst subtly checking your hair.
"Thanks, Y/C. I thought I was going to be alone all Christmas." You tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace.
"No probs. Can you come with me for a second after we've eaten?" You nodded and sat down next to Y/C.
"Y/N! What did you get for Christmas? I got a new broomstick and tons of money and sweets!" That was an obnoxious person from Y/H. (Sorry, Hufflepuffs.). Just those few simple words pulled your heart strings and you ran out of the hall, not wanting to cry in front of Y/C.

Meanwhile, Y/C was shouting "You complete and utter idiot! Could you not see Y/N didn't want to talk about it? She/he had no presents and his/her friends all went home without him/her. And look what's happened now. I'm going to find him/her. Stay here and don't come to find me."

You ran up to the the Y/H common room, blurted out the password/riddle and ran to your dormitory. Your bed suddenly felt really lumpy so you went into the actual common room and sat on the comfiest chair in the deserted room. The portrait opened and you covered your face, hoping that whoever it was would go away. "Hi, Y/N. It's me Y/C. I thought it was so unnecessary of that person to say that... I know you haven't had breakfast yet and we were supposed to talk after breakfast, but do you think you could come with me now?" You looked up and slightly smiled.
"I suppose I could talk now." You uttered out.

Y/C reached out for your hand and took it, then pulled you to a... Wall? They walked past it three times, and after, a door appeared out of thin air. You both walked through it and gasped at the sight in front of you.

It was snowing and beautiful music was playing gently. Y/C pulled a box out from his/her robe and handed it to you. "Merry Christmas, Y/N! Go on, open it!" You pulled off the pretty wrapping paper and saw a sculpture of your favourite animal, encrusted with your favourite gemstone.

You squealed and hugged Y/C. Mistletoe slowly grew towards you. He/she leaned in and whispered in your ear "I really like you, Y/N. Be my girl/boy?" You replied with a kiss on his/her lips and the mistletoe grew around your entwined bodies. "Of course I will. Merry Christmas!"

A/N: Hi! Merry Christmas!!!! I thought I would update today as a present to you, so I did! This note is going to be short as I have a Christmas tradition to read all the Harry Potter books again.
Ok, I have a few things to say:
1) Merry Christmas!!
2) I got a kindle for Christmas and can't work out how to use it properly yet...
3) I hope you enjoyed this
4) Let me know how your Christmas was in the comments
Goodbye awesome readers xx

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