Chapter 16

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On the drive home Dominic; prepared himself for the lecture he'd get when he got home. Why did Daemon have to come home last night of all nights? Especially when mom was so busy and Claire was being repulsive. Dominic goes over the excuses in his head but knowing his older brother and mother they wouldn't fall for it. He pulled up the driveway and parked behind his brothers truck. It reminded him of Ava.


Dominic reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone he sent her a quick message. She responded minutes later

'Honestly, your being desperate.'

Dominic laughed she was a challenge, and he really liked this challenge. He decided not to text Ava back but to call her later. He had to deal with his mother first. Dominic jumped out of his car and shut the door, locked the car, and headed into the house. As soon as Dominic opened the door his mothers shrieking voice "WHERE IN THE NAME OF GOD HAVE YOU BEEN!"

Welcome home Dominic...

"Hi mom." Dominic replies calmly his mother stomped out of the kitchen to welcome him. "Your brother came home. I told you to not get home late! And what do you do? You stay out the whole night!" She yelled Dominic felt himself getting frustrated with his mother.

Ever since he moved back to his mothers house, she had been like this. Clingy, needy, and over bearing. Like he was sixteen again coming home drunk. Dominic glanced over his mother and found his brother in the hallway. Daemon was buffer. He got into the Army Corps a year ago, and left a scrawny twenty-four year old with no future or money. Now look at him a general and the top of his military training class.

Daemon and him could easily be siblings. They each had the same blonde hair, tall structure, and brown eyes (well one eye for Dominic). They were also close in age Daemon was twenty-five and Dominic was twenty-three.

Dominic raises his hand and waves at his brother, "Hey Daemon." He pushes past his hot-headed mother and pulls his brother into a hug. They hug tightly. "Dominic you missed quite the show last night. Claire did such a wonderful job singing in her choir performance." Dominic chuckles "I'm sure she did. I got hung up at work." Dameon made a face "Really? Was it a girl?" Dominic smirked and placed his hand on his brothers shoulder "I don't share my secrets." He whispered Daemon laughed "Alright, well you, Claire and I are having a siblings day; so go get changed into something suitable. You smell of smoke." Dominic sniffed his sleeve and retaliated. He did smell of smoke.

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