Im sorry

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So its been a week since i seen or talked to Kevin. When i got home that night i cried myself to sleep.

Truth was i still wanted to be with Kevin i wanted a future with him out of every one i been with he was my first true love. We was basically the dream couple of high school everyone wanted to have a relationship like ours. We might have fussed and fought but if a couple didn't it would be to good to be true. When we wernt together i would sit and think about him that whole day. I would sit im my room looking at old pictures and reading old messages.

I was woken up by yelling down stairs i already knew who it was James, my moms abusive husband of 5 years. This was nothing new to me so i headed to my usual spot when all of this happened the roof but to my surprise it was raining cats and dogs. i just sat in the corner waiting for it to be all over.

"Bitch where the fuck my food at and why is the house so fucking dirty" he yelled

"im sorry James but i was so caught up i forgot" she said through sobs

"what was you so caught up in Linda that i couldn't come home to a nice cooked meal and a clean house" he continued to yell.

"i was trying to-.

she didn't finish her sentence when i heard a big thud against the wall.

i knew what that mean he was hitting her. then i heard silence but it was quickly replaced by glass being thrown. Then once again it was silence but i could still hear my mother crying.

"next time i come home and its like this your gonna get worst you understand me Linda. he said as calmly like nothing happened.

I heard the stairs creek as he started up the stairs. It was my turn i was already crying because of the commotion down stairs. that wouldn't stop him though it would make him want to beat me more.

He walked in with a devilish smirk on his face. I looked at him with. discus on my face

"Why didn't you cook and clean for me you little bitch" he said while punching me in my face

i sobbed even harder not replying to his question. i wish i did because it made him even madder.

"i know your ugly ass hear me talking to you. he said while kicking my in my stomach and side.

"im sorry" i sobbed into my hands.

"Now i know that you are your mothers daughter because both of yall are always fucking sorry. Sorry this sorry that, damn if y'all stop being go god damn sorry maybe y'all wouldn't get beat so damn much" he said while slapping me in my face one last time and walking out.

I sat there and sobbed for the rest of the night. I thought about when he first came into our life and the abuse started.

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