Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


Friday couldn't come fast enough. I prepared the music, played it on my piano, picked out my outfit- maybe even got a new one; but I refused to think it was because of who I was meeting. He was, after all, just another one of my students.

A very kind, nice, and handsome student. I shook the thought out of my head.

Friday morning, I hopped out of bed; a little over excited. Into the shower I went, done in record time. I skipped back to my room and pulled my white capris out of the drawer. I slid those on, then tucked in my flowery blouse into them, looping my leather belt around the waistline of the jeans. I swept my strawberry blonde hair into a ponytail and pinned my bangs back from my eyes. I put a little bit of eyeliner on- not much, I never put too much on- and walked out the door of my flat.

I got in my car, a Lotus, and then remembered I probably need keys before I go anywhere. Dashing back inside, I grabbed my keys and my purse, slamming the door and bouncing back into my car. I revved the engine; mainly because I loved the noise the supercar made, and pulled out onto the road.

We were meeting at a music studio that Tom had assigned to us. I had my sheet music and phone on the passenger seat and a lightness in my head. Pulling into the studio, I bounced out of the car and opened the door. Eddie was already there, sitting on a stool and playing with his wrist watch. His head turned and smiled at me, his mouth full of white teeth.

He was wearing a dark blue plaid shirt tucked into jeans. Simple, but it fit him.

I walked over to him.

"Ready?" I asked, sitting at the grand piano.

"Sure." His voice was still a little husky; it was early in the morning. I frowned. Yeah, we were definitely going to need warm- ups.

I started the piano.

"Ok, so Eddie... Just match the piano." He bit his lip and looked down before nodding.

I pressed a few keys, in a chord. He frowned, then opened his mouth, matching perfectly.

His voice was different, I'll give him that. By no means was it bad, it just had a certain ring to it. I liked it.

We continued the lesson, Eddie's voice getting stronger every time I pressed on the piano.

When we started on the songs, I handed him the lyrics. He took them and pulled out a stool, using the top of the piano as a table for the papers.

I figured we would start with one of the easier ones. A Heart Full of Love would be fine.

I played the opening chords.

"Ok, so in this song you're gonna want to be quiet." I started.

"Wait... Don't I need Cosette?" I frowned.

"Here. I'll just fill in her part."

He nodded and I began instructing again. "So, not only are you going to be quiet, you have to be on a pretty high octave, too."

He nodded and I started the piano for a second time.

"A heart full of love..." He sang.

"A heart full of song... I'm... I'm doing everything all wrong..." He laughed in his singing.

"Oh god, for shame, I don't even even know your name."

As we started the duet, my own heart fluttered. Our voices matched perfectly; every note was like a chord that had been specially designed for us.

When the duet was over, I smiled up at him. He returned the favor, his puffy lips wrinkling his face when he smiled. Oh, he was so good looking... I blushed at the keys. I was his vocal instructor, not his girlfriend.

Eddie stood up and walked over to his coat and keys. I jumped up behind him, feeling a little bit like Eponine.

"Eddie... Eddie... Do you um..." I stuttered as he flung on his jacket.

"Yes?" He asked, a light of teasing in his eyes.

"Do you... Um... Do you want to go out to lunch, maybe?" I spat out the rest of my question in a hurry.

He frowned. Wait, what was wrong? He wasn't supposed to frown. He was supposed to jump up and hold my waist, happily agreeing to lunch. But no, he stared at the ground, an awkward tension between us that had never been there before.

"Um... Felicity... Hey I would love to but... Uh... My girlfriend and I already have a date." He smiled apologetically at me.

"Maybe next time." He walked out the door, his leather bag strung over his shoulder.

I stared after him, a knot in my throat. His girlfriend?


Then what were all those smiles about? The happy face he got when I walked into the room? His happy voice, his eyes lighting up?


I sat there, in the middle of the room, my chest tight. Maybe I was just another Eponine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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