the end

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-Remus's p.o.v-
I walked out of the potions class after getting a really bad feeling about something. Sirius hadn't shown up for anything today. It doesn't help with the fact he has been very distant lately. So I faked being I'll and now I'm hauling ass to the Gryffindor tower. I practically screamed the password to get in. The door opened and I ran to the dorm. I opened the door and felt all the breath in me taken away. There hung my boyfriend dead. I began gasping for air as tears flowed down my cheeks. I said, "No...I must be dreaming..." But I knew I wasn't I just wished I was. I saw a note and picked it up. It read,
"Dear Remus,
I'm so terribly sorry. I just can't do it anymore. Life has gotten to hard for me. I'm a coward I know...I truly love you Remus I truly do and I always will. I've been feeling depressed for months and just so you know. It was nothing you did wrong. You were always there for me. You never hurt me, you always comforted me, you made sure I was safe, that I was happy, that I was loved, that I was comfortable. I just wanna say. Thank you for that. You were one of the greatest people I have ever known. But I don't have anymore strength or will to go on anymore. I've tried for so long to get better but I can't. I'm gonna miss you so much Remus. So, so, so much. I'm gonna miss your kisses, your hugs, your cuddles, your cozy sweaters, your smile, your laugh, you voice, your jokes. I'm gonna just miss everything about you. I'm also sorry for being distant for the last few days I still loved you. I just couldn't bring myself to be around people anymore. I have to go now. I hear the angles calling my name. Just always remember I love you. Goodbye babe it was a pleasure to know you.
I looked at his body. I took him down and kissed his cold lips one last time. Then I ran to the hospital wing. I screamed, "MADAM PROMFREY YOU HAVE TO TRY AND HELP ME!!!" She said, "Calm down Mr. Lupin! What's the problem?" I said, "Sirius killed himself!" She gasped. I said, "please try reviving him! I need him here!" She said, "I'm so sorry dear. I can't. Sure we're wizards but it doesn't mean we can bring anyone back. Especially if they don't wanna be here..." I said, "I understand ..." she said, "I'll leave you alone to have some time for final goodbyes." I nodded and thanked her.
She left the room. I took Sirius's cold hand. I said, "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you. I wish you knew you could've talked to me. I can't be here alone Sirius. who is gonna cuddle me after full moons now? Why did you abandon me?!?!" I was beginning to get angry. I began crying again. I said, "I love you Sirius see you soon." I kissed him one last time and left. I walked silently to the astronomy tower. I did on the edge and said, "I'm coming home Sirius..." I closed my eyes and took a final deep breath and jumped.
-in heaven-
Sirius stormed over to me and said, "What the hell were you thinking?!?!" I said, "I'm sorry I just wanted to be with you..." He sighed and pressed my lips to his. We kissed again and lived happily ever after for eternity in heaven.

A Suicide letter (a Wolfstar Story)Where stories live. Discover now