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Hey guys! So, this is actually my VERY FIRST DiaSparkelz! Ive never really shipped this before heh heh...BUT! I gotta make you guys happy! So enjoy this monstrosity! :D
The heat of the torches were all over my face as I continued to mine. I had just lost ALL of my stuff... Damn purges, and so I had to start over COMPLETELY, as if I was back in dagrun on day two.
"HELL YES!" I yelled at the top of my lungs "DIAMONDS!!!" Lucky for me, Dia had gifted me a Fortune III Diamond pick, and a Power V Infinity I bow.
NO! BAD JORDAN! You can't fall in love with a god! Last time you did that, you drunkenly KISSED your goddess, who was in fact the god you fell in love with.
What am I to do?! I have had a crush on him-
"Hello glitter lap" a voice broke my train of thought.
oh no...
"H-hey Dia!" I greet him. "How are you?" I as a tiny shade of pink on my cheeks. I hope he can't see.
"I'm fine, but I have a favor to ask of you" oh deer...
"Oh? What might that be?" I questioned cautiously.
"Well, you see, I've sorta developed a crush on a mortal. And in order for me to tell them how I feel, I will need a body. So! If you can get me a Whiff of Magic, and a Breath of a Goddess, then I can take care of the rest!" He said.
It was quite a tall order, but, I would do anything for Dia!
"Okay! I'll be right back. I'll meet your spirit back In Dagrun when I have what I need!" I told him. He started to turn away, "BUT! I will need payment for all of this." I told him.
"I'll get you your payment soon enough, Glitter Lap." He smirked. I couldn't see it, but I could just tell he was smirking. That sly devil, what is he up to!? I'll find out soon enough I guess.
With that I took out my specter key, and went into my little safe haven box. Just was lucky because I had EVERYTHING I need for the materials Dia needed.
'Here goes nothing'

"I'll get you your payment soon enough, Glitter Lap" I smirked at the young captain. Little does he know that his 'patient's will be more... let's just say, Pleasureful.(I know that's not a real word, XD) He took out his specter key, and went to get the stuff I needed. He better hurry..
SO! As my CHRISTMAS gift to you, here is some DiaSparkelz! Hey, should I turn this into a smut? (If you don't know what that is, don't worry about it, and don't ask your parents/guardian) just comment below if you want it to be!
~ Cam

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