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        The grandfather clock struck midnight, the sound echoing throughout the quiet house. As usual, Alice was sitting on the end of the daughter's bed, trying to calm her down after one of her nightmares.

        Alice sighed and stood up from the bed, careful not to wake her daughter. She silently crept out to the hallway, stepping around her stuffed animals and toys that she had once again forgot to pick up. Sighing in frustration, Alice scooped them up into her arms and dropped them in the toy box that Morgan never seemed to use.

        She walked out into the hallway, blowing out the candle as she walked past it. She poked her head in her son's room, seeing that he was asleep.

        Alice quickly made her way to the stairs and to the front door, throwing it open and taking a step outside. Her nightdress swayed in the night breeze as she made her way down the small path that led into the woods. Soon she was out in a field, the moon shining high above her head and illuminating the world around her.

        She slowly walked across the field, going towards a rabbit hole on the other side. The last time she had been here, which was when she was a child, the plants around it had been green and moist. Now as she stared at it, she realized that it was now dead, along with the rest of the field.

        She bent down on her hands and knees and looked down into the rabbit hole, furrowing her eyebrows. Something seemed off.

        "Alice, dear,"

        Alice jumped as she heard a soft voice behind her, and turned to see a little rabbit that had once been white. Ash and dust covered his fur, and his coat that he wore was now ripped and stained with red.

        "Rabbit," She whispered softly, leaning down to come face to face with him. "What - what happened to you?"

        He shook his head, ignoring her answer. "You shouldn't have come here, Alice."

        She widened her eyes. "What do you mean?"

        The Rabbit ignored her again, taking something round out of his pocket and handing it to her. "Something terrible has happened to Wonderland. After I go back, you must seal the entrance."

        She nodded, gently placing the object in her pocket. "I understand, but what about you?"

        He let out a little sigh. "Forget about me, Alice." He whispered. "What's important is that you don't let anything get in... or out."

        Alice stared at him for a moment, watching to see if he was joking or not. He wasn't. "Goodbye, old friend." She whispered, suddenly reaching her arms around the rabbit.

        He pushed her away. "Goodbye Alice."

        And with that, the Rabbit jumped into the hole, leaving Alice with her darkened thoughts.

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