chapter 5

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///Jimins pov///

I just told kookie something so important. and the great thing is...I meant every word, throughout my life I never thought I would have this feeling for someone. Especially not one of my closest friends...I have had girlfriends in the past but I never felt this way. The way jungkook makes me feel is different to how anyone else has made me feel. And I am so blessed to be this in love.

I take my arms away from Jungkook's waist

jk- "ahhh hyung what are you doinnng?"

awh poor baby.... he is really cold. I get him the blanket from the end of the bed.

Jimin- "here you go little one. Your so cold! awh. and hey I need to go to the toilet. I'll be back in a bit. and then we could go out somewhere if you like?

jungkook sits up slowly

jk- hmmm well I suppose I can let you leave me for about two minuets"

he sticks his tongue out at me . awh he is so adorable!

jk- "and Ooooo well yeah that sounds cool hehe"

I kiss his cheek and jump off the bed and head into the bathroom

I figured maybe it would be nice to  kinda have a date night kinda thing... like maybe go to the cinema and go to somewhere like Bistro Miru for a meal. its always packed but I could always reserve a table. And buy tickets for a film now in advance.

I wash my hands and make my way back into the bedroom

I put on a pair of black skinny jean, kookie is sleeping. He looks so peaceful.

I change as quietly and as fast as possible before making my way into the kitchen. I open up my laptop and book me and kookie a table for dinner and buy some cinema tickets.

I hear the bedroom door open, it must be kookie, I turn around to see him there in his boxers and a black fest top. He yawns loudly.

jimin- "oh hello there hyung! you've been asleep. you looked so peaceful I didn't have the heart to wake you up!"

he lets out a small groan

jk- "haha well I was pretty tired. I guess I should change? ooo where are we gonna go jiminnn?"

jimin- "well I just booked some tickets for a movie at the cinema, and I reserved us a table in a restaurant. so nothing really special. but it should be fun hehe."

jungkook lets out a smile.

"awe yay, ill just go home and put on some nice clothes, do you want to pick me up later?"

jimin- " awh oki then kookie. and yeah I shall pick you up at 7:30? the film starts at 8:15 and I have a table booked for 9. so tell your mum you'll be back for like 11:30, we need time for other things..." I smirk and walk over and put my hand under his chin. "you know what I mean hehe"


that's the end of this part, I'm updating two at a time now. I know these two have been short but ill be putting the other two up soon :3 hope you enjoyed 

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