The caged bunny

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His life was pretty boring, nothing much happened around him, his 'parents' made sure of that.

They let him do everything he long as he didn't leave there privet property.The garden was big, nice and green but it was surrounded by 2 meter tall, iron forged fences that were impossible for him to climb over or borrow under.

So imagine his surprise when he sees a cat hybrid jump over them with little to no effort and collapses on his knees when he thought he was alone.

Slowly approaching he stepped on a twig, when the cat looked at him he hid behind the tree beside him, his big, floppy hears lowering.

"Who are you Mr.Cat?"he finally asked after staring at him for a while, it was the first time he met another hybrid, the cat looked like an alley cat.He had short, choppy, messy brown and neon green hair, shocking, red eyes, brown cat hears sticking out of the top of his head and a brown cat tail with a neon green tip sticking out of his lower back.

"Me?"the cat asked confused after looking at him"I'm Sy"

And just after breathing out his name he collapsed completely.

He approached Sy when a high pitched screech interrupted him.

"DILL!!!!! What do you think your doing! Get away from that thing!"a tall and freakishly thin woman said while stomping up to him.

"Sorry 'mum' I didn't mean to upset you.I was playing in the garden when he suddenly jumped over the fence, so I thought he might need help, so I asked him is name, he told me his name is Sy and then collapsed so how you always tell me I was going to be polite and help."Dill answered, his never liked his 'parents' but they provide for him so the least he could do is be polite.

"Oh! Well if that's the case then I guess he can stay in the guest room until he wakes up." said the woman with a smile.

"Thanks 'mum'" beamed Dill.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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