Secrets (Snund)

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Scott has been frowning for a good part of the day. Not because Snake suddenly showed up at his door when he didn't even live in Florida, not because Snake had taken a beer, but because Snake had taken it without asking.

If Snake had been literally anyone else, Scott would not have minded. He was used to people forgetting things like that, especially with him. But Snake was different, Scott noticed. He had noticed that since they first met. He always remembered, even when Scott himself would forget. And yet, Snake pretended to forget.

Something was very wrong here.

Scott winces as he realizes just then that he was biting his lip. Snake is starting up his Wii U to play Smash 4, and invites Scott to join him even though both of them know that Scott spends virtually no time playing it. So when they play, Snake keeps using characters that he has zero experience with, both of them knowing full well that Snake could destroy Scott with Link or his half-trained Lucina. So Snake suggests tactics for Scott using Charizard or Kirby, (while still beating him into the ground) and the two simply fight.

Scott glances over at Snake, who lazily smashes buttons, Scott shielding at the last moment against a well-timed forward smash. "Snake?" Scott says, not quite sure why he's doing so. Snake rolls his eyes. "I hope you're serious when you say that." he replies, remembering all the jokes. Scott gives him a crooked grin, even though he was being serious.

Snake gives a sigh of exasperation, knowing Scott for too long to tell that he actually was being serious. "Alright, alright, what is it?"

Scott is still smiling. The fans know Snake as the guy who says the least and gets the most laughs, but Scott can get him to talk-and laugh-when the time calls for it. So, of course, like the extremely intelligent man he is, Scott asks the most aggravating question possible.

"Why are you here?"

There's an awkward moment of silence, and for a long moment Scott is absolutely certain that Snake won't answer as he performs an Up-B and jumps up to avoid a forward smash. "I' a spot of bother."

Scott doesn't reply, so the two of them simply sit in tense silence. People always think that Snake and Scott would bicker constantly if they lived together, and although that wasn't entirely wrong, Scott and Snake would sit in this awkward silence far more often than bicker.

Scott frowns as Snake opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. "'s none of your concern."

Which of course, only concerns Scott more. Snake never says something like that-and it's never Scott who ignores a clear sign of a problem. It's always the other away around.

Scott brushes Snake's arm in an attempt to relax him, although in hindsight that was one of the more idiotic ideas he's had. His hand brushes over something rough, and both of them stiffen, Lucario and Charizard freezing on the stage.

Because Scott knows that feeling all too well.


Scars that definitely weren't there before.

The silent question passes through Scott's fingertips, and Snake almost gets up and throws the controller at the nearest window right then. "So..."

Snake gives him a cold, challenging stare. "So."


-Five years later-

Scott pulls away from Snake, sighing when he realizes what the kiss meant. "Dammit, Snake."

Snake grins at him. "I told you." he says in a joking voice that very few others have ever heard. Scott is proud of that-only he can make Snake let down his guard.

Funny, Scott thinks, that all of this happiness spawned from secrets.

Secrets are like armor-when you wear them away, you seeing a man a lot less impressive and a lot more vulnerable than first seemed, and then you choose what happens next.

Pain. Or love.

Trying a new style inspired by a Remus Lupin X Sirius Black one-shot that I fell in love with and made me an avid shipper.

Also, Dramione.

I know, stop hating. Ronmione actually is a good ship in my book but I seriously disagree with the Dramione haters.


Sad Fred and George headcanons.


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