The Dreamer (Ch. 4)

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I opened my eyes to a room, and a bed, and birthday candles. I settled in on the brief moment of shock that I was pulled back in to a frozen scenario that suddenly kicked back in to life, slowly at first, then caught up with the moment before my eyes.

My family was steadily watching me and my reaction, expecting a happily surprised one due to the birthday cake they had prepared for me. I blinked twice and took a deep breath to steady my racing thoughts, and gave them a big smile. They mirrored it on their faces in that moment.

"Well, make a wish, sweetheart!" My mom told me, and I nodded and I noticed that I hadn't actually made a wish yet, though I could have sworn I did earlier...

I pushed the thought from my mind and leaned in to blow out the candles again, this time not having any wish on my mind whatsoever.

"So, what did you wish for?" My brother Nathan asked me. I raised one eyebrow at him and his silly question. Until I realized that I had no answer.

"Nothing." I told him, and he smirked, oblivious to the fact that it was the truth.

"Alright, well, we'll just leave this cake here for you, and bring the plate down when you're finished. Whenever you're ready, love, we'll start your big day!" My mom said with an excited gleam, and my dad nodded along with her, closing the door behind them as they left the room.

I sat there on my bed, looking around, wondering how intense of a dream I had experienced. My head felt a little weird, and there was something tugging at my mind, like I was missing something...

But I couldn't be. I had just woken up from a strange little dream with some random guy and a world and something about dreaming...Not that any of it was important, I shrugged off the feeling as sleepiness, and began to eat my cake.

Wow, I thought to myself, my dreams are really vivid sometimes.

Once I was finished, I went downstairs and my mom decided to take me shopping. All throughout, I was a little seperated, because I knew I was missing something. I couldn't put my finger on what, though. I tried hard to focus on the whole birthday concept, but it just wasn't clicking as well as I wanted it to.

It wasn't until we were back home that I realized what was going on.

We finished our shopping day and I went out to go to the end of the street to get the mail. I was walking down the sidewalk, glad to get away from company, and I saw a moving truck drive up to a house next to the mail boxes. I briefly wondered who was moving in, and wondered if whoever it was was my age.

It seemed to be two people in the front, talking, neither getting out of the truck parked along the curb. It wasn't until I got right next to it that they got out. I paused for the older man to get out of the driver's seat, and he greeted me with a nod. I watched him walk away, and heard a passenger door slam behind me. I turned around to see who was walking out.

It was him. Tan skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes that didn't end. I froze solid from any chance of moving and stared at him, as he stopped and stared to. He analyzed me, and I knew he was from somewhere. He seemed to be waiting for me to say something, or to recall something...

I didn't know what to say. He was all too familiar, too close, like I'd known him for years, but like I'd never talked to him at the same time. He slightly raised his eyebrows at me, and I finally decided to speak.

" I know you?" I asked, and he just gave a small smirk.

"Well, yeah, you could say that. Maybe you should just think a little bit." He told me in a voice that filled my ears with memories I didn't know. I gave him a confused look and ignored his suggestion.

"Hm, well, welcome to the neighborhood, I guess. What grade are you in?" I asked him, and he looked disappointed. I couldn't tell why.

"Junior." He said, and I briefly brightened, because that was my grade.

"Me too!" I said, and he gave a small smile. Well this guy wasn't all too friendly. No, he just looked preoccupied. Then I realized I was keeping him from moving in.

"Well, I'm gonna go now. I guess I'll see you around." I said, and he nodded at me, walking ahead as I did. I shook my head, confused on what I was feeling. Haven't I seen him before...?

As I walked to the mail box, I knew I was forgetting something important. But what was it?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2011 ⏰

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