Chapter 2; HeartAttack

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Lianas text seems sudden which is leading my mind to the worst case scenarios. Her mum always seems irrational about Liana going to gigs or not.

Lianas text makes my face sweaty and my hands clammy, "Oh no, Georgie my mum wants to go out we can't stay at my house anymore she wants me to stay at you or Sarah's house!! :,(". We had been planning this for weeks, Now things had to change it was going to ruin everything, we didnt have a plan B we only have plan A. Sarah's parents are going to Anglese for the week, Whitch means after Warped she was going to stay with me so we can look at rentals for when we finished school in a month or two. This stresses me out we only had three days before Warped was happening, this was going to shit all over our planning. My dad and step mum were having a romantic night out, so that was our of the question also. My mum was the only option, since I had to move for years 11 and 12 I had to.move closer so I had a Better mindset for the amount of work involved, and me and mums last communication was anything but love.

I message Liana back " Don't worry about it at least you can go its better than not going at all I'll call my mum she hates it when I ask her last minute but she won't mind... I hope and Don't tell Sarah until I've worked it out what's going to happen Ok?!"

I dial my mothers number taking a breath before I hit dial, it rings twice then she picks up. 'Hello' 'Hi mum it's me Georgie.' 'Georgie oh wow hi, sweetie I miss you so much when are you going to visit?'. This makes me quiet for a second, making me think about the last time we spoke, I mum was really upset about my decision, she was crying, it pained me inside as much as It did to her as much as it did to me. 'Hello?' this makes me snap out of it. 'oh yeah I'm still here mum'. I was thinking this weekend maybe ??' 'Really??" she practically squeals, 'yeah mum, but....' 'but what honey?' she replied in an almost disappointed to tone "Can Sarah and Liana come too, because we have warped tour we had everything planned but the lianas mum had plans and dads going away for a couple days and we cant be alone together in a house, dad doesn't trust us alive in a house after what happened last time and...". Mum interrupts me, "Georgie of course they are welcome". As long as you find your own way there and back ok? Or at least somewhere safe to stay, understand me". "oh this means so much mum, you save me a ton of worrying I guess we are coming tomorrow night' I'll see you then mum tomorrow." Ok sweetie I look forward to seeing you, hope this means I can see more of you, love you and don't forget to charge your mobile!". "Bye mum". "Bye sweetie".

The call ended my heart attack is diverted. I text Liana "crisis averted, but I don't trust Melton at night need to book a hotel room asap near the show grounds, Don't tell your mum she'd never let you go if she knew, say your staying at mine ok xoxo dw about Sarah I'll tell her the change to her Warped Tour B'day haha this will be epic!"

A minute later Liana texts back "OMG, your mum is a legend, my mum doesn't care, as long as I'm at no station at 11 at night she'll even pay for our room! But that means no extra money for Merch for me, now I remember why I got a job, Warped tour Merch! Haha text Sarah now, I confused her, she thinks we aren't going now woppsies , call me in an hour after dinner need too re talk our day again and again!!!!!! Ahhhhhh so excited" " I roll my eyes and send her "K. ;p" and move into Sarah I call her cause she never feels reassured about anything over text.

I dial her number it rings and then she answers straight away "is it true are we not going cause if lianas mum?" I roll my eyes "stop being a drama queen it's all worked out, we are saying at my mums the night before and staying in a hotel paid by Liana's mum we are all cool. Ok woman??" so we are going so liana scared me for no reason?" "yes it's all sorted just have to get up earlier and catch a train at like 6:30 am cause I so not waiting in line and missing no chances to see falling in reverse or black veil brides or any of them I don't care If we stay up til. 3 am we are catching whatever train comes before 7 undwrstand!" I laugh"Now who is the drama queen" we both laugh. My step mum calls dinner, I say bye to Sarah and head down stairs. As I walked I blew a sound of relief, and think; Everything had been sorted, now to focus on what I will do to get to airport to catch a glimpse of Falling in Reverse.

Hello the few people whom read. So excited to write this sorry I posted late I was trying to make sentences that sounded right and have good grammar, I'm really excited for Vans Warped Tour Australia '13 it's happening on the 7 th of december here on My real Friend Sarah actual birthday who is skipping out on her sweet 16th for warped, But times and things may never been in correct place as I'm writing from no experience of warped tour at all, all the things I have are from YouTube "don't judge haha" and I hope to post tomorrow this will he edited when I can be bothered and let me know on your thoughts of the cover art. :) ~georgieblue~ cya next time readers:p

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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