My Last Stand

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Hello friend, you aren't my only friend anymore. I have a lot of great friends, people are beginning to warm up to me. They are beginning to accept me and bring me into their 'cliques' at school. Yes, I did return to school in hope that people would treat me a bit better. Its crazy how many people talked to me, I'm not sure if its just because I am dating Niall or friends with all the boys or what but I feel important now. Emma hasn't spoke to me, I guess that is a good thing. Sarah and I have been gradually getting closer and I have been thinking a lot about what Derek said. The hole "You should share it." thing, tonight I am dropping off my journal at a famous authors mailbox, in hope he sees this and thinks its a good story and shares with others. I have reread the entire journal and saw how far I have came. How much better I am than I was, I cried reading what I wrote. I couldn't make myself believe that, that used to be me. Recently I have come to notice that people will always judge you, no matter what you do. So I have come up with my favorite saying;

In the end people will judge me anyways, so whatever.

It really helps me get through whatever troubles I experience now a days. I still receive hate from fans and I get love from fans, I am learning how to ignore the hate and accept the love. I would just like to say a few things before I leave;

1. Niall Horan, I love you and thank you so much for helping me through all of this.

2. Emma thank you for helping me grow stronger. But I still hate you.

3. Thank you Zayn, Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, Paul, Mrs. Tomlinson and my mother for making the best out of my life, since I left I have been much better. You all impacted my life and I love you all for that.

and 4. Thank you mom, for saving my life. I love you.

If I missed anything or anyone and this gets published, I'm sorry.

Forever Tessa


The final bell had just rung as I closed my journal for the last time, u felt a small tear trickle down my cheek. I began hearing voices as I walked down the hall, they began yelling my name. I turned around and saw Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry all running towards me. I dropped every book or item I held and jumped into Nialls arms, my legs wrapped around his waist and arms locked around his neck.

"Ive missed you so much." I whispered into his ear as he slowly set me down. He placed a kiss on my lips.

"Ive missed you too princess." He smiled as our lips parted, I hugged each of the other boys tightly. They helped me pick up my books and we left the building. We began our long walk to my home, talking about anything and everything. They told me exciting things that happened while they were away and Louis explained to me that he missed me so much that he fell on stage and cried. Poor boy.

"Wait! I have to drop this off!" I yelled as I held my journal, the boys gave me an odd look. I had fogotten I hadn't told them yet.

"I'm giving this to the famous author that lives here locally and he might publish it if he likes it." I said as we grew closer to the mailbox. I stood in front of the blue thing and held my journal tightly.

"Long Live Tessa" I breathed intently, I closed my eyes and dropped it in. I felt a immediate relief as I didn't carry it.

"I'm proud of you T." Louis said as he slugged his arm over my shoulder.

"I think we can all say that." Liam stated, Niall pushed Louis' arm off of me and Niall took his place.

"Thanks guys, I love you all." I said as I brought them into a group hug.

"Can we get food?" Niall asked in the hug, I heard Zayn sigh loudly.

"Why not?" Zayn said afterwards, we all made our way into a little restaurant nearby and ate there and chatted for a while.

Epilogue ;

(5 Months Later, After TMH tour)

"Hello is this Miss Tessa?" A young man said through the phone to me.

"Yes? Who is this?" I asked, praying for it not to be some creep.

"Mr. Bradley Lawrence, you turned in your journal. Well I would love to say that I am choosing it as my next publish. Would you like to come in for an interview this afternoon? " He stated and asked, my heart fell. Mr Lawrence chose my journal out of thousands of entreys. I felt a ball of happiness explode in my stomach.

"Yes of course! See you soon!" I said then hung up, I ran down the steps of my house and into the kitchen where all the boys sat.

"The authot chose me!" I yelled loudly, each boy sat up and ran over to hug me.

"Congrats Princess!" Niall shouted.

"Good Job T!" Louis yelled

"Congrats!!" Liam and Zayn both shouted at the same time.

"Great job!" Harry said, I smiled wildly at them all. I sat on the stool closest to where Niall sat. I was excited beyond belief and I was happy everything was turning out just right.

A/N; Okay guys.. that's it. I hope you all enjoyed Diaries Of A Directioner, or Doad. Lol

Again, Project Horan if you may? Its good!

I love you all so much, look out for my other stories. Thank you all for everything, it means a lot!

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