Chapter Two

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"Ah! Wait." You say. "Thank you!"

He just smiles.

A hoodie. What kind? A grey one? A big one? Urghhh, why is this so difficult?


"Hikaru?" I enter the house.

"Yes? I'm in the kitchen." He says.

"Okay! I got you a gift!"

"(Y/n), you didn't have to."

You set the bag down and walk to the kitchen.

"What are you making?" You ask.


"What kind?"


You just scoff at him. "Just noodles?"

"Yes, what'd you expect?"

"To be honest, I don't even know." You walk back to the bag. "I don't know what you like, I'm sorry. I just bought you a grey hoodie."

He turned off the stove and went over to you. "You didn't have to get me anything. All I really need is you."

"Oh my gosh. You're so cheesy." Your cheeks were pink.

"Thank you though." He smiles then hugs you.

"Yo, the water is boiling." He lets go of you and runs straight to the stove.

"Oh my god. I could've burn down your house." Hikaru screams.

"I guess."

"You're not even scared at all?"

"No one's gonna live here anyway." Your voice was quiet.

"We can live here."


"Together. Here."

"Actually? How about Kaoru?"

"He'll be fine. He can always come over too."

"If you're willing to do this then I guess I am too." You smile.


This is super short but I wanted to at least update for y'all. Thank you for reading! <33

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