We Are A Game To You

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He smiled when he saw us
Fools laughing and singing
Not knowing
What they are doing.

Let me introduce them
And then she bumped into him.

I said sorry,
You said sorry too.
I wasn't sorry,
And you weren't too.

They are perfect for each other,
She likes him and he won't like another.
Let them love and collide together.

You said I love,
I said I love too,
You meant it
And I did too.

He smiled then command,
Those two are not to stand.
Let them go apart and burn their hearts.

I said I miss you,
You missed me too.
My heart is aching
And yours dying too,
At night you called me and told me so.
Darling, you love me and I love you too.

We are just pieces of game to you.
You think you are funny,
And we think so, too...

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