~Babysitting Troubles~

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~Raven's POV~

I wake up and Jasper's gone.

Must be morning.

I get up and walk downstairs, still half asleep.

When I get downstairs I see no-ones there except Reneseme.

There's a note.

It reads;-

-Raven. We've all gone out hunting and wont be back until tomorrow morning. As you might already know, it's just you and Reneseme in the house. We trust you enough to watch her until we come back. Your in-charge. Alice will be alert, just incase something happens. Well have fun! ~Esme.-

I sigh.

It's gonna be a long day.

"Why are you up so late" I hear Reneseme ask.

I check the clock.

It's only 9am?!

"It's only 9am Reneseme. It's still early" I tell her slowly. So it'll sink in.

"Yeah well I'm hungry so you should've been up before now"

"You could've made something yourself kid" I say, really not in the mood for this.

"Can you make me food?" She asks sweetly.


She was a brat literally 2 seconds ago!

"Sure" I sigh.

She jumps from her place on the couch and into the kitchen.

I follow slug like...

It's too damn early!

I grab eggs, bacon and bread.

I fry the eggs and bacon.

With Reneseme watching from her place seated at the island.

I place the fried things equally onto two pates and toast some bread.

I butter it and place it on to the plate also.

I place a plate beside Reneseme and she digs in.

I eat calmly on the seat in front of her.

Once we're done I take the plates and wash them.

Reneseme goes to do her own thing.

Mitchell and her could've been friends, I'd she wasn't a spoiled little brat.

I'd be surprised if she had any.

That's a bit mean.

I mentally scold myself.

I'm about to pour myself a glass of water when I hear a scream come from the other room.


I rush in seeing Reneseme in the arms of a pale man with auburn hair.

On instinct I rush over and pull her away from him and shield her with my body.

"Raven! Move!" Reneseme shouts pulling my shirt, to get me away from him.

"Get out of here!" I shout at the boy.

"Nope" He says with a smirk

"What did you do to her!" I scream.

"Nothing, but I want to" he screams.

Something bubbles up inside me and takes over.

Reneseme's in danger, I've gotta protect her.

I lunge for him.

He tries to attack back, but I'm too strong.

I don't know what's changed about me, but I'm glad it did.

Something tells me to bite him.

So I do.

I bite his wrist and be starts shaking violently and then stops almost imediently.

I grab the corpse of the dead vampire and rip him limb from limb.

Taking him outside I burn him.

Happliy I run back inside.

I'm myself again.

A small body wraps it's arms around my waist.

It's Reneseme.

"Thank you. He was scary" she trembles.

I carry her upstairs to my room and place her on the bed.

I grab some food from the kitchen and take it up stairs.

We eat and watch movies all day.

I call for pizza and we have that for dinner.

I put Reneseme down to sleep in her own bed.

After bathing her and dressing her in fluffy pyjamas.

I smile to myself.

She's not too bad after all.

I walk down stairs with all the wrappers and the pizza box.

I clean the dishes we had ice-cream in.

It's been a good day.

But what took over me?

I felt different, It felt good.

I felt all the power surge though me when it happened.

It was different.

A good different.

I go into the living room to see that the Cullen's are back.

"We need to talk" Carlise says.

"Okay" I smile.

I sit down.

"What happened earlier? You killed someone!" Alice shouts.

"Shut up Alice! He was a Vampire! He tried to suck the life out of Reneseme! Did you want me to stand there and let that happen? Me and her dead?! Come back to an empty house? Just the drained bodies left over!?" I say enraged.

"I never saw that he was a Vampire Raven. I'm so sorry. But how did you kill him?" Alice asks.

I tell her about how I did it.

The anger coming back but I push it away.

"Woah! Your eyes just changed colour! From brown to a bright purple!" Emmet exclaims.

"This is what I'd feared..." Carlise starts......

What's going on?!


Til' next time.......

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