Chapter Twenty-One

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Jeremy wraps a brace on my wrist, pulls my hair up in a rubber band, then places a cold rag on my forehead for me to hold. I'm burning up, but the rag helps to cool me down.

     "I'm so sorry that happened. Now," he sits down across from me and puts his hands on his knees, "What's your name again?"

   "Skyler Ripton," I answer softly. The rocking room slows down, then finally sits still.

"So a man was chasing you?"

    "Yes." The blurry mess that I see is slowly, but surely becoming clear.

  "Did you know who he was?" Jeremy asks.

  "No.." I sigh as the nasueousness leaves me, "I got lost when I was leaving the park. I couldn't find Lillian Avenue."

   He nods, stands, feels the back of my head, then gets another glass of water for me.

  "Are you a doctor?" I ask, finally making eye contact with him.

  He smiles. "I'm working on it."

   "We'll whatever you did, thank you," I answer, "I thought I was going to pass out on you." His bright blue eyes are extremely familiar.

     "Consider it a favor," he sits back down in front of me.

  "I'm sorry I barged in.."

    "It's always nice to have company," he smiles again.

    I turn my head to the side as I look at him. "Do I.. I mean, have we met before?"

    He leans in a little, then squints.

   That's when it hits me.

   "Oh my gosh. Jeremy?" my eyes grow wide, "Luke? Do you remember Luke Dunham? You let us stay a night at your house, like, two years ago!"

    Jeremy's face goes from clueless to amazed within a second.

  "Skyler? Oh gosh, you look so different, I didn't recognize you!"

     "But wait, didn't you live in Alabama? You were going to college?"

    "Well.. I was a kind of a trouble-maker then, so I decided to start over in Georgia. I moved here last year, actually."

    "Huh.." I smile, "That's so cool.. We used to know each other in Alabama, and now we live half an hour apart in Georgia."

   I didn't want to dwell on this subject, but..

  "So, are you and Luke still close?"

   "We try to be," Jeremy smiles,  "What about yourself?"

    "Uhm.." I sigh, "No, we- we lost contact about two years ago. You know. Home for Girls. Foster Home."

    Jeremy looks confused.

   "We were split up and sent to different states. They wouldn't even let us say goodbye." I smile sadly.

    Jeremy shakes his head.

    "But, I mean, oh well.. It's over now."

    "Hmm," Jeremy answers, "Strange coincidence, but did you know.. Luke helped me pick out this apartment?" he stands up. "I told Luke I was moving to Georgia, and he told me this place was up for grabs and that I should take it," Jeremy glances out the open window, "He also said he'd drop in sometime."

     My eyes light up. "Really?"

   I was ecstatic. No, wait. Luke's grown up. He's moved on. Tone it down, Skyler.

     "Yeah," Jeremy checks his watch, "He actually said he'd visit pretty soon."

    I just nod, but as I do, nausea overwhelms me. I lean over and rest my head in my hands.

  Jeremy comes closer. "Are you okay? Do you need something else for the pain?"

    "Uh.. no. No, but thank you so much for helping me," I say as I slowly get down from the barstool. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I see that it's 11:45 p.m.

  Oh no. Oh no, oh no.

     "I- I should be getting back. Thank you so much, Jeremy."

   I stumble over words as I try to hurry and leave. Miss Hayes is going to kill me if she finds out that I'm not home. I'm cold, tired, sick, and panicked.

    "Wait, Skyler! At least let me drive you home," Jeremy says as he walks after me.

      "Really, I hate being a bother. I've caused you enough trouble already," I answer, all the while, my head pounding. I pass the library and see the front door. "But thank you again, so much."

    My shaky, left hand clumsily unlocks and opens the front door. As I'm about to step outside, I'm in such an unstable condition that I trip over the door frame. I land on something rock-solid.

       "Whoa," a voice says.

    Not concrete, though. Gosh, who did I hit now? My eyes try to focus on this person in front of me, but it's too dark outside to see anything.

    "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I stutter. I try to back away, but slip again into this figure's strong arms.

    "Skyler? Hey, are you okay?" I hear Jeremy ask as he comes up behind me. He opens the front door, letting a small amount of light onto the street.

    ".. Skyler?" says the voice again.

     I tilt my head as I look up at this person that I've so rudely collapsed on. From what I can see at the moment, he's tall and has dark hair. His jaw is prominent, and he looks to be about 18 or 19 years old, but small, almost unnoticeable scars scatter his face.

   Very, very blue eyes look down at me. I recognize them. They're the same blue eyes I saw in that horrible, dark conference room, more than two years ago.

   "Luke?" I ask, pushing myself off of his chest to stand upright.

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