-Chapter 3-

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We made it to the docks and he parked his truck. The cruise leaves at 12 and its 11:13. I look at Josh and he looks at me then we get out the car start dragging our luggage out the car and into the ship. Everything looks so fancy ad neat. The name of the ship is S.S.Eva. My boss payed for me and an extra person to go on this trip and take pictures of any senery that I find beautiful. This boat will to every city that is along the coast of Europe. I have known of this for the past week and it has been driving me crazy! We get to our room and it is not too big or small, its just right.

"This will be where we sleep for the next 3 months..." I say to Josh with a little sigh at the end. I start to unpack all my things and putting every thing in its place.

"Aren't you happy about this Isabella?" Josh says as he starts to charge his phone and laptop.  Yes I was very happy that my boss sent me on a cruise for half the year. The only person I know on this ship is my brother.

"I am happy its just that i just want to start taking my photos already.I want to try to sketch some things too!" I say as i start to think of all the beautiful things I will see on this trip.

"Well the boat is about to sail off and you'll be closer to Europe by the minute!" he says with a big smile on his face. He's such a good brother. He is older than me by 3 years. He is 24 and Im 21, we couldn't be any more alike. He has light brown hair and so do I. We have the nose of our father and the dark green eyes of our mother. He has nice muscles and is 6', I'm not skinny or fat and I'm 5'10.

"If you want you can go out and explore, Ill unpack for you." he says.

"Really? Thank you so much." I say then I've him a kiss on the check, I grab my phone and make a run for the door.
382 words

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