Part 1

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"Linda! Wake up! You're going to be late for your first day of HIGHSCHOOOOL!"
"Oh my gosh!"
Linda gets up and walks to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror with her eyes barely open and a lop sided bun in her hair.
"High school Linda... Highschool" She says to herself in the mirror, smiling.
Linda gets to her new high school, Johnson High. Ecstatic and with the biggest smile ever, she jumps out of the car and runs to the office to pick up her schedule.
*the bell rings*
She runs to room 54 which is English. Then to second period which is math. She walks in and sits in the empty seat to the left side of the room. A boy walks in and sits in the seat next to her.
Class starts and the teacher says " Good morning freshmans. I'm Mr. Romero, your math teacher, obviously. So I'm not wasting any time this year so let's just get right into the lesson."
*moans and groans throughout the class*
Linda feels the lightest of a poke on her arm.
" Hey 'scuse me. Sorry. I'm such an idiot, I seriously didn't bring a pencil on the first day of school. Do you have one I can borrow?" James asks with a shy smile.
"Oh ya! Sure! *digs through backpack* Here you go!"
"Thanks...hey. Whats your name?"
"I'm Linda. What's yours?"
"James" He smiles again. This time blushing
"Well nice to meet you James" Linda smiles an innocent smile back to him.
*James laughs a little quiet laugh, still blushing* "Hey you want some gum?"
"Ya! Sure!"
*James hands her a piece of of bubble gum*
"Anytime" James winks at her. Now confident. He thought she was beautiful. The way her brown eyes sparkled in the bright classroom light made him go crazy. The way her tan skin glowed near the sunlight form the window made him drool. The way her smile lit up the room made him think about the future....then he knew

He had to have her

"Alright class here are you worksheets. Do them for homework. I'll be collecting them first thing tomorrow"
Linda looks at her paper and immediately cover her face with her palms in frustration.
"What's wrong??" James looks worried. His perfect eyebrows raising in concern.
"I don't get this. Ugh! Like, what is this? He didn't even explain this to us!"
"It's I'll give you my number. Text me of you need any help. I'll help you." James says with a confident smirk.
"Oh!... thanks! Your so why can't all people be this considerate?"
*James giggles* "Its no me." He winks an obviously wink at her.
*bell rings*
"Well if I don't see you later...I'll talk to later!" He says to her patting her shoulder.
"Ya! Thanks!"

He's Obsessed With You, LindaWhere stories live. Discover now