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Thursday, 11/26/15

After waking up the boys with the assistance of Red at around nine, we all were seated at the table eating breakfast.

"Ay, Vio," Blue began as he chewed on a piece of bacon. "Gimme the salt."

Vio looked up from his newspaper with raised eyebrows. "Don't speak with your mouth full of food. It's revolting."

Blue scoffed, dropping his fork. "Well excuuse me, little miss manners..." Vio sighed in exasperation and went back to reading. Blue snapped his fingers at Vio across the table. "Hey. Vio. Salt."

"I'm not getting it for you."

Blue was about to complain, until he smiled slyly. He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and pretending to stretch. "Hmm... Well, if you want to be impolite... Wasn't that impolite, (y/n)?"

I didn't say anything, instead just looking from Blue to Vio in turn.

"...fine." Vio begrudgingly picked up the salt and planted it in front of Blue's plate.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I cleared my throat and pushed my plate aside. "So anyway, guys, today's Thanksgiving. I told you yesterday, if you were listening that is... We'll be going over to my grandma's house at around noon, and we'll probably stay till late. Sound good?" I looked around the table and smiled at them all. They had already been there and met my grandparents a couple times before.

Red smiled his big smile, looking up at me. "Yaaay! We get to see Grandma Ana!"

We all laughed and smiled warmly at Red, who beamed back. I continued, "So... I hate to bring this up, but I'll need you all to be on your best behavior. That means Blue, ask politely for things, and Vio, try not to criticize others too much... Shadow, try to smile a little. Some people feel... a little intimidated by you sometimes." I smiled sheepishly, and Shadow sat back in his seat, seemingly proud of his 'accomplishment.'

Blue frowned a little, then sat up. "Hey! What about those two over there?" He asked, pointing to Red and Green across the table, who were playing sticks.

I looked at them both, who looked inquisitively back at me. "Well I don't usually have many problems with you two," I admitted, laughing a little. "Green, try not to start anything with Blue, and Red... Hmm... Just try not to get in anyone's way."

Red nodded happily. "Mm­hm!"

"Alright, you guys... I suppose we should all get dressed. You don't have to dress fancy or anything."

They all nodded, and a few minutes later we all retreated to our rooms to change.


When I came back out they were all sitting in the livingroom, wearing their signature colors. Vio was dressed nicely as usual, Blue looked decent, and Shadow...

"Shadow?" I asked, "Didn't I say not to wear all black today...?" I tried to put it nicely, since I wore black often too. However, Shadow had on his black skinny jeans, black shoes, a black t­-shirt, and his black beanie. The only spot of color on him was his purple hair and blue eyes, one of which was currently hidden by said purple hair.

He folded his arms and looked at me. "What? This is all I had."

"Surely you must have SOMETHING else, right? I mean at least a shirt that isn't all black. Maybe grey?"

"Sure I do."

"Then why aren't you wearing it?" I laughed.

"I dunno." He smirked, looking at me almost challengingly.

Unexpected Would Be An Understatement (Modern Four Swords x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now