Ch. 16 Isadora

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Chapter 16


Two hours ago I sat in Dr. Jones' office, being asked questions about my "abilities." Now I'm in an exam room full of equipment, drenched in sweat from a monotony of tests. I've lifted weights, done eye exams (in the light and dark), jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and even a test to see how long I could hold my breath (in and out of water).

The intercom crackles and Dr. J's voice fills the room from his post in the room separated from mine by a window, like I'm too dangerous to be near. "Would you kindly go to the treadmill next, Isadora?"

"Yes, I will. Give me a second to retie my shoe. Why don't you mind-speak with me, save electricity?"

"I still find this rather unorthodox. But if you insist, I will. I just don't want to wear you out."

"If you don't want to wear me out then why am I doing all these tests?"

"I thought I already explained this; we need to correlate how your abilities differ from that of a true vampire. We do one test when you're near exhaustion and another when you're well rested to get the correct variation." Well, he has one thing right. I feel like I could pass out at any minute. He explains that the treadmill is self-propelled as I step on and press START.

Starting off at a jog, I soon transition into a sprint worthy of the high school's fifty-meter dash record (which I won two years in a row). My legs fall back into their old rhythm and I let my mind wander.

Coming out of my daydream about someday owning a pygmy hedgehog, I realize Dr. J's been trying to get my attention. "Sorry, what?"

"I was just telling you to clear your mind. Calm your breathing." Following his advice, I only focus on my footsteps' steady rhythm:

Tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap...

The intercom crackles, and before I can think I'm tripping over my feet as I wake from my trance. I watch, somewhat mesmerized, as the floor rushes towards me. My hand reaches out instinctively and grabs the treadmill's handlebar, swinging me back towards it. My head thwacks against the base and I see stars... Then nothing else.

"Oh, good. You had me going, there. You've been out for nearly two hours," a familiar voice greets me warmly as I slowly open my eyes. Linden, sitting on the corner of the glass coffee table, removes the ice pack from my forehead. Strange, I didn't even feel it; but now that it's gone I realize how much of a killer headache I have.

Looking around, I realize I'm back in the TV room, lying under the same throw, on the same couch, for the second time in just as many days. Sitting up, I move over as Linden vacates the table and sits next to me. He hands me the ice pack and I reapply it to my screaming head. "What happened?" I ask as I try not to sigh in relief.

"You hit your head when you fell off the treadmill. Dr. Jones called me and I carried you to the infirmary. They told me you were fine, gave me the ice pack, and told me to let you sleep. I would have put you in bed but I didn't want to look through your pockets for the key. So I brought you here; where we've been for the last..." glances at his watch, "...hour and a half."

I'm glad he didn't try to look for my key. Being pocketless, I put it the only place I wouldn't lose it, in my bra. Wait, he carried me? One part of my mind practically squeals "oh, how sweet!" while the other part pervertedly wonders what his body felt like as he carried me, in all my ratty, sweat-stained, sweat-panted glory.

"Now that you're awake, do you want to go lay down in your room? I could carry you if you need it," he offers, standing up and extending a hand toward me.

As temping as it is to possibly be in his arms while I'm actually awake, the logical side of my mind overrules, "no thanks. I can walk on my own." I take his hand and he opens the door. Closing the door, a sound makes me look to our left.

A few feet down the hall is a couple that appear to be necking. I think that would be kind of painful for vampires. I recognize one of the figures by her bright yellow mini shirt, hiked dangerously high by the hand of her partner that isn't wrapped around her back. "Henry. Jem. Disperse!" Linden bellows at the couple from beside me.

They finally notice us and scowl. Hand in hand, they meander down the hall away from us.

Coming to my door, I turn form him as I fish out the key and unlocked it. Turning to say goodbye, he beats me to it by saying, "well, see you later. If you're interested, some of my friends and I are having a movie night across the hall in a few hours. We've agreed that, since you're the new girl, you could choose the movie. We usually have a vampire theme, Vospheratu or Dracula, but it doesn't matter. Would you like to go?"

"I'd love to go. What time?" This should be interesting, I get to meet some of his friends.

"Around five, we like to finish it early so that those of us that hunt can leave at dusk. I'll meet you here at... 4:50?" He looks at his watch and I'm practically overwhelmed with jealously. I love men's watches, and the fact that it's a piece of Rolex's new line: I can practically feel myself turning green.

I nod and watch as he walks the few feet and unlocks his door, vanishing from sight.

Turning to the clock I figure I have three hours to get ready.

After an unnecessarily long and hot shower (the dorm style girl's bathroom turned out to be exactly two doors to my right, whereas Lin's room is the one to my left), I grab a banana and go in search of my movies. After unpacking another three boxes; kitchen stuff mostly, plus the couch pillows and extra throws (all of which I heap on my still unmade bed). Finally, stacked under the best game ever (Pokémon Monopoly), I find my movies. Finding the perfect one, I line the others on the shelf next to my Edgar Allen Poe collection (books, graphic novels, cassettes, and my homemade poster of all my favorite quotes of his that I have yet to hang up).

Having nothing better to do than bide my time, I grab my compendium of Poe and make a blanket nest on my bed.

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