Young K Pancake war (play fight/stupid argument)

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It was around 11 o'clock Your boyfriend young k had a long day scheduled but you told you to go ahead and come over to his house and wait for him so that's what you did. As you waited you started to get a bit hungry so you went into the kitchen to find some food. You ended up finding left over American style chocolate chip pancakes that you made a yesterday morning for him and the rest of day6. You could have easily heated it up but decided to just eat it cold cause you liked it just as well that way. "I'm home!" you heard a familar voice say. "I'm in the kitchen!" you yelled back as you started to get your drink. He came into the kitchen and hugged you from behind "Hey babe" he said softly in your ear. "hello jagi" you hummed turning around to face him. you were feeling happy to be in eachothers arms again after such a long day. "What are you eating?' he asked raising an eyebrow at me. "one of the left over chocolate chip pancakes from yesterday. why?" you said back casually. "you're just eating it plain?" he asked. "yeah...why?" you asked in reply. "well don't you put maple syrup on pancakes normally?" he asked again. "I mean...yeah...but these kind are just as good this way." you said. "that seems wrong. pancakes are designed to be eaten with maple syrup. you can't just eat them with out maple syrup." he said. "look I know you lived in Canada for a few years but that does not make you an expert on maple syrup." you said back getting sassy with him. "it makes me more of an expert than you.." he mumbled under his breath. "also are you eating it cold too?" he asked. "Kang why are you so concerned about this? It'slike yourquestioning all of my life chioces." you said dramatically. "well I kind of am. Who eats pancakes cold and without maple syrup?" Young K said dramatically. "your girlfriend." you answered raising an eyebrow at him "Young K it's just like eating a cold chocolate chip." I explained. "no no that's definitelt not the same experience." he said shaking his head. "look Kang it's not a big deal." you said. "you're right it's not it's just weird." He said chuckling. "It's not weird" you protested, "just try it!" you said shoving the cold chocolate chip pancake in his face. "no. I'm not eating that. it either deserves to be in the trash or the microwave not my mouth." He said putting a hand on his hip trying to be sassy.

Jae walked in and calmly asked "what's going on?" chuckling at young ks stance. Young K went on to describe the "crime" I was committing against pancakes and then you described my side and Jae instantly took Young Ks side. Since you were not satisfied with the current decision you decided to get the rest of Day6 involved you all continued having a heated descusion about this until Young K decided the best way to settle this was by using social media. So you made a short video on his phone and then went in depth in the caption describing the situation. You both wrote down your opinions and added hashtags like #pancakewars, #mygirlfriendisweird, #myboyfriendjustdoesntunderstandme, #isitrightorwrong, #thatisthequestion, etc."whoever loses has to kiss the other person. okay?" Young K suggested. "but that's not a punishment?" you said confused. He starred blankly at you blinking "people in loving committed relationships don't punish eachother aish..." he said chuckling. I giggled and agreed. You two settle down and sat on the couch together reading the comments. After awhile it was pretty evident that people were on Young Ks side. "I think it's time to claim my prize" he said gently shoving you smiling ear to ear. "this was rigged! I demand a recount! of course they went on your side they're your fans!" you said dramatically. "They love you too and you know it! I won fair and square. now pay up." he said chuckling. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips. after you pulled away he said "hey! that's not how you kiss properly! this is how you do it." he said pulling me in by my waist and kissing me passionately.

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