Senior Year: 1st Quarter

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Its the beginning of the new school year and Tim, the all-american football player for the school, wants to make this year something special. A lot of big events are going on such as prom, graduation, senior night, Homecoming, and most importantly taking his team all the way this season to win a championship. Tim has to train and prepare his team and his self for this season because its gonna take hard work and dedication.

The first day of school arrives and Tim wakes up and thanks God for another day. But, Tim feels a little different this morning compared to any other morning. As Tim walks out his house, he suddenly stops and realizes whats different about today.  Today was not only the day Tim returns to school but, the day he sees his school crush again. Tim has had a huge crush on her since they both started high school in the ninth grade. Her name is Tasha Reynolds, and she is the smartest girl Tim knows. Tim thinks she is gorgeous, eyes to die for, face flawless, body just unforgettable, and has a smile that can bring light to the darkest room. Tim has always wanted to talk to her and always got shy and tongue-tied around her. But, Tim knew this was his year and she would be his. Tim couldn't think about that right now all he needs to focus on was getting his classes for the year and heading to practice following school.

Tim arrives to school and walks into the cafeteria to pick up his class schedule and grab a bite to eat. Tim soon realizes the whole football team is sitting together crowded around a table talking and making jokes of the females they all wanted and of the new kids with the expensive clothing just trying to fit in on their first day. When Tim walks over to the group of teammates everyone shouts his name like he was their hero coming to their rescue. 

As a few minutes passed Tim was anxiously glancing back and forth between his teammates and the door awaiting Tasha to arrive so he could speaking to her but as time ticked away before first period Tasha never showed up. "Where could she be? Did she transfer schools? This year was suppose to be my chance to talk to her and make her mine. Lord please let her come to school." 

As time came, it was about that time for Tim to voyage to first period. Tim walked upstairs of his school building and into Physics. He got to choose his own seat beside some old friends like toward the middle of the class where he wouldn't be to far away from the board to get distracted and not to close to the front to avoided looking like a smart ass. The teacher came in to start class and started taking role.

*The Teacher Is Half-Blind*

Teacher: "Good Morning students, glad to see most of all of you returning from summer break, and oh yes to our football players in the room, I hope to see a great effort this year from you all on the field as well as in the classroom. Now lets see who is all taking my class this year. Bella Adams....Kadashia Arnoldo...Biron Middlebrooks...Tasha Reynolds..."

Tim's face lit up with excitement hearing her name come out of the teachers mouth and how life would have it, right after the teacher said her name a mysterious knock came upon the door.

Teacher: "Who could that be interupting my roll call?"

The teacher walks over to the door and drops his pen, picks it up and proceeds to open the door. 

"I'm sorry I'm late, my bus was late, and i had to find my schedule, then find your room I'm sorry it wont happen again."

Teacher: "Make sure that it doesn't happen again Miss... And your name is...?"

"Tasha....Tasha Reynolds"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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