So it begins

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“You’re an idiot Casey!” Brax yelled as Casey walked through the doors. "What were you thinking?"  Casey did not even look at Heath as he lead Brax and Kyle to his room. Heath followed Brax and Kyle into Casey's room.

Brax hated to see his brother look like he did now and he felt that he could not help him, he did not even know what the Freeman’s gang were doing here. Then it struck him. “Heath, we have a problem, Courtney’s getting out of Juvie tomorrow.”

Oliver and Nathan were walking up the beach after surfing when Heath and Brax approached them. “You stay away from Casey, you hear me?” Brax said. Oliver sniggered. "I don't let anyone tell me what to do especially a Braxton"

Heath pushed Oliver back as a police car came by. "Hey, back off now" One of the police officers warned Oliver however he did not move. "I mean it Oliver, turn around and walk away." Oliver picked off his surfboard and walked down the beach.

"Now I want you guys to go straight home" The officer said turning to the Braxton brothers. The police officer walked back to his car as the Braxton's walked away in the different direction to Oliver and Nathan.

"I think something is going down." The officer said to his partner. "Yea me too."

Oliver and Nathan walked back to their gang who were all sitting on the sand. "Alright guys, listen up, my brother wants Casey Braxton, the youngest Braxton brothers, so that is what we are going to do." the gang nodded as Nathan and Oliver walked away, they all knew what they needed to do.

"Casey!" Brax yelled as he arrived home. He ran into his brothers room, however no one was in. Where was he? Brax thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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