Creation of the Slender Man

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     It was a warm summer day and Bert Smith was sitting on his couch watching TV. He was twenty-seven and was doing nothing with his life: he just lost his job, and his girlfriend left him that morning. He opened a bag of chips and started to flip through the channels, but stopped channel surfing when a help wanted notice caught his attention.

The government needs help. We are looking for volunteers to help with a scientific discovery. Kobalt Genetics needs test subjects to try out a new Genetic Enhancing Machine. We have already tested this Machine on animals and the results have turned out really well. Now it is time to test it on humans. We will pay a generous amount for anyone who decides to join the testing, but spots are limited to ten people. Call 877-384-5555 for more information on how to join.

     Bert had stopped eating his chips during the advertisement. “Well, I guess since I lost everything already, I might as well try my luck with this genetics thing,” he said to himself. He picked up the phone to dial the number. A voice recording answered, and Bert pressed the number to talk to a representative.

     After being on hold for fifteen minutes, a woman with a kind voice answered, “Kolbalt Genetics, how may I help you?”

     “Hi, my name is Bert Smith and I would like to sign up for the Genetic Enhancing Project. I just saw an ad for it on television.”

     “Yes, of course. There are a few documents we need you to sign, and we need you to come to our research building to be briefed on the project.”

     “What’s the address?” Bert asked as he grabbed his coat.

     The representative told Bert the address of the building, along with directions on how to get there. She also told him to hurry since they only had two spots left. He told her he would be right over, and quickly left.

     Bert got on a bus and headed for the Kobalt Genetics building. When he arrived at his bus stop, he got off and walked a few blocks to the large, seven story building. He entered and asked the woman at the front desk and asked about the Genetic Enhancing Project.

     “Bert Smith?” she inquired.

     “That’s me.”

     “Follow my assistant; he will take you to where you will be briefed,” the woman at the desk said and gestured towards a redhead who was standing beside the desk. Bert nodded and followed the man.

       Bert followed the redhead to a small room on the top floor at the back of the building. “Dr. Owens will be with you shortly,” the redhead said and left the room.

     Five minutes later, a man with grey hair, a short beard, and a white lab coat walked into the room followed by the redhead assistant. “Hello, Mr. Smith. My name is Dr. Owens, and I am the inventor of the Genetic Enhancing Machine,” the grey haired man said and offered Bert his hand. Bert accepted the doctor’s handshake as Dr. Owens continued, “I have been informed that you are here to take part in my project?”

     “Yes Doctor. Were do I sign?”

     Dr. Owens handed Bert a clipboard with several stacks of paper on it and said, “Read carefully before you sign.” Bert skimmed the papers and signed them with the pen that was offered. “Are you sure you understand the risks of such a project?” the doctor asked.

     “Yes,” Bert replied quickly. He didn’t care that the project was potentially life threatening, he needed the money.

     “Ok, let me tell you what this project entails,” Dr. Owens said as he took the clipboard and handed it to the redhead. “The Genetic Enhancing Project will change your DNA code and give you special powers. Powers like super speed, flying, teleportation, super strength, extreme elasticity, and other things that are comic book material.”

Creation of the Slender ManWhere stories live. Discover now