Part 2

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HIS eyes smiled at me.
I never even saw his face,
or all of HIM.
I couldn't tell you the color of his hair.
Was he tall?
Was he short?
I didn't know,
but that smile in his eyes told me all I needed to know.
HE accepted me!
And somehow...
I know it was impossible...
but somehow...HE loved me!
I felt reborn!!
My eyes finally closed for what must have been but an instant.
When they opened again...
HE was gone.
Tears came to my eyes,
but not the tears I would have thought,
but tears of joy.
At that moment I knew...
I could be loved...
I was loved...
and I knew it would happen again.
I was flooded with happiness,
and the tears streamed down my face.
I sobbed!
My friend grabbed my hand and asked me what was wrong,
but I couldn't talk.
All I could do was cry
but not out of sadness
Oh, the sadness was still there
but I knew it would lessen now
she took me to the bathroom
to wash my face
all the time asking what was wrong
I shook my head slowly
to let her know I couldn't talk
the tears stopped after a while
I redid my eye makeup
I looked a mess, lol
we saw the movie
and life went on
I never told anyone what happened that night
I never will
I don't look for HIM anymore
I know I can't find HIM
all I know are his eyes
but to this day, I always look to a man's eyes first
just in case
The End

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