The Sleepover

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Friday evening after school
Kenzie's POV:

I caught the bus home from school with Deirdre (Dee for short), Margaret (Maggie for short), Christina (Chris for short) Lily-Mae (lily for short) and Kayden (Kay for short).

When we reached my house, I jumped out of the bus, ran upstairs and packed a bag with; clothes for tomorrow, my make-up, my headphones, my IPad, a sleeping bag, my toothbrush and some chocolate for if I get hungry during the night.

Zoe dropped me to Deirdre's house, where all the girls were.

When I got inside, Deirdre's mum had lots of food ready on the table; crisps, chocolate, milkshakes and finger food!

After we had eaten as much as we could, we went up to Deirdre's bedroom and gossiped for about an hour, then we watched and listened to music videos. At 10:00pm, we watched two really sad movies; P.S I Love You one that I can't remember the name of.

The girls all fell asleep during the second one but I stayed up for a little bit on my IPad, watching YouTube videos.
I fell asleep at 11:45pm.

When I woke up this morning, all the girls were still asleep, so I watched a few YouTube videos until they woke up.

When they woke up, we went downstairs for breakfast.

Linda (Deirdre's mum) had pancakes, a fry-up and smoothies ready for us to pick from!

I had pancakes with; Nutella, strawberries, bananas and cream on them.

Zoe collected me at 12:30pm for my swimming lesson.

After my swimming lesson, I went home, played with Abbie and talked with Haley for the rest of the day.

Hey guys!
Ideas for the next few chapters? Please?
Thanks for reading,

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