Capitolul 10

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-What? sar de pe canapea si scap paharul din mana. Acesta se varsa pe micul covor de la picioarele mele.

-What do you mean 'was'? se aude vocea lui Mike.

L il priveste pe S apoi ofteaza. Se ridica si scoate un album foto dintr-un dulap. Il rasfoieste si mi-l intinde.

-He was one of the council, back in the 80's. He has a good organizer and he was very apreciated. Then he started the logistics company and things went downhill for him. We found out that he started doing bussiness with bad guys and he was using out relations and name to do some bag things. 

-Why didn't you stop him? Mike a intrebat in timp eu eu priveam o fotografie de grup. Mai multi barbati, imbracati la costum, in jurul unei mese. I-am recunoscut privirea intr-un colt al fotografiei, retras, foarte incruntat.

-Back then, we used to keep record of all our members and actions. Stupid thing to do. spune in timp de zambeste stramb. He stole all our registers and when we confronted him, he said he'd reveal them if we stop him...

-But you could have dome something...

-Yes we could. But we risked to distroy us, the organization and every member we had. We couldn't risk that. So we left him alone. L pare destul de ingrijoprat. What is you're part in this?

Abandonez albumul si raman pe ganduri.

-I was in a relatiopnship with his son, Victor....

-Son? S tresare. He doesn't have a son. At leas as I know.

-Victor Maxim.

-The only offspring he has is a girl he had conceved with a secretary of his, witch he loved very much and he refused to recognize the child. I think he was scared for them both. He works with a lot of dangerous people. I remember somebody telling me he asked the women to get an abortions when she told him she was with child.

-Wait.... L pare confuz. One of the council, had a son before he died. He was a friend of Peter's. But when he heard what he was doing, he confronted him and they had a huge fight. He died mysteriosly after a few months. He was a widower. His wife died giving birth to a son. I think his name was Victor.


-So Peter took his son?

-Could be. Maybe he addopted him and raised as his own. L trage concluzia.

-He told me that Victor is meant to take over this affairs. He's using him as a heir for his shit? 

Simt cum nervii mi se incordeaza din ce in ce mai tare si simt nevoia de a izbi ceva. 

O liniste enervanta se aseaza in camera si nu stiu exact cum voi procesa tot ce am aflat. E posibil ca Victor sa nu fie copilul lui Peter? Dar asemanarea dintre ei? Totusi la caracter nu seamana deloc. Cum e posibil?

-I don't know exactly what do you want to do, Liv. This is very serious. 

-I want to bring him down. I need you're help. I did things for you in the past, i need the favour back, and I need it now. And then I want out.

-Of the organization? Nobody leaves, you know that. S termina paharul de baut si apoi il aseaza pe o masuta.

Oftez. Incepe sa ma doara capul de la toate informatiile astea incurcate.

-Ok. I'll tell you this. You help me with Peter. I'll get rid of him, one way or the other. And i will be erased from all the data you have. I want a life, without some shadows behind me. 

-You will still be a member. We can't just let you out. The others will get the wrong ideea. 

-Ok....ok. Just give me you're word about you're help. I will bring you the registers and you will just leave me alone. I will still be a member and pay you every year. But that's all.

-We need to talk to the others. We will let you know.

Aprob si ies din birou. Mike e in spatele meu. Ma ia de mana si ma indreapta spre iesire. Conduce spre apartamentul lui, dar in tot acest timp sunt tacuta. Inca nu realizez tot ce se intampla. Trebuie sa imi fac un plan. Daca cei din consiliu imi vor refuza ajutorul? Daca vor fi ofensati ca vor sa ma retrag? Prea multe necunoscute sunt in ecuatia asta. Oricum, tot ce ma intereseaza sa il elimin pe Peter. Fara el, pot avea viata linistita pe care mi-o doresc. Dar daca Victor nu ma va dori in viata lui? L-am jignit destul si daca afla ca tatal sau pateste ceva din cauza mea, oare ma va ierta?

Fara sa imi dau seama, ajung in sufrageria lui Mike. Il vad cum isi da sacoul jos si il arunca pe canapea. Mecanic, ma dezbrac in drum spre dus. Inca nu stiu cum am sa fac si ce am sa fac. Ma tot gandesc la Vic. Daca tot ce vreau sa fac e in zadar si ma va respinge? Aroganta ma impiedica sa ma opresc din razbunare. Nimeni nu ma ameninta si traieste linistit dupa asta. 

Si Mike.... a fost mereu alaturi de mine si stiu ca orice as face sau spune, va fi mereu acolo, tinandu-ma de mana si incurajandu-ma. Dar nu vreau sa profit de el. Mike....

Las apa fierbinte sa ma izbeasca cu putere. Apoi, treptat, reglez pana cand apa rece ma racoreste. Sunt infierbantata si nervoasa si frustrata. Nu stiu ce sa fac. Incotro sa o apuc....

Toata baia miroase a Mike. Parfumul lui, gelul de dus, samponul, ma invaluie si ma trezesc gandindu-ma la el. Totusi, intr-un mod ciudat, toate ma fac sa il doresc. Dar cum ramane cu Vic? Nu vreau sa il tradez. Dar stiu ca totusi lui ii va fi usor sa isi caute pe alta. Pot sa traiesc cu gandul ca nu e al meu? Sau ma mint? 

Ies de sub dus si apuc halatul lui Mike. Din nou, mirosul lui ma urmareste peste tot. Il gasesc pe canapea, in living, descult, cu camasa descheiata la gat. Nu stiu ce e in capul meu, dar ma apropii incet de el.....

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