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"Stop it Liam" I yelled as he started to annoy me, again. George was not helping the situation at all. "I'm gonna kill you" I yelled as Liam took his hand and ruffled up my hair that I had just spent half an hour tying up. Liam just grinned at George as mum came down the stairs from where her bedroom is.

I was going to a show jumping competition today with hopes that I could make a name for myself. "Hope you win today" George said as he started to go up the stairs mum had just came down. "Thanks George"

Liam was still trying to ruin my hair when my cousin who was staying with us walked behind him and slapped him in the back of the head. "Hey" Liam complained as he rubbed his head giving me the chance to escape and do my hair, again.

My cousin Ryan is 15 years old and rides with me most of the time. He does Dressage and is pretty good. He spends a lot of the time with us because he does not get on well with his dad anymore since his mum died two years ago.

Liam and George came into my room while I was brushing my hair. "What?" I asked as I saw them through the mirror. "Are you coming to my football match tomorrow?" There was a pause as I thought about it. "Of course I am, why would I miss a match that I could see my brothers team gets smashed?" I laughed as George and Ryan slapped Liam on the shoulder. "There, there."

I ran out to the stables were Sam was waiting looking all pretty, I was running late because of my idiot of a brother who thought it would be a great laugh to mess up my hair.

We left about ten minutes late. It was an hour drive sitting next to Liam and Ryan. was torture. We finally got to the show grounds half and hour late.

"Why are you so late" My friend asked as I unloaded Sam. I walked towards her and smiled. "Brothers"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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