chappie 2 - ヽ(;▽;)ノ

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A/N - Did I do better this time? I hope so!
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Uhhh secret p.o.v for now! Until you learn the name? (๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧

I didn't expect it to go this way. I woke up in the morning did my daily routine. Take a shower, dress up, eat an apple, brush my teeth, and get my bag to go to school. I arrived at school at 8:14 and it opened at 8:30. Class started at 9:30. I went to a store near school full of food. Grabbed a couple of snacks and grab a crepe or donut if they have one while I'm there. I saw a few teachers walking into school by 8:30. Most likely to get ready for school. I followed them in but not before buying a "few" donuts. More like a dozen. 

I ate one while walking in. I saw the secretary. "Uhh.... Mister...?" He looked up and gave me a hard stare. Not that I was uncomfortable but if you look behind him you could see a boy giving me the same hard stare with the same hair colour. Kinda weird in a way. He was kind of glaring at me too. "Faustus Beilschmidt und my son Ludwig Beilschmidt." The man now named Mister Beilschmidt said. 

"Mister Beilschmidt may I please have my schedule please?" I said tip toeing a bit because I'm short, but rule number 1! Never call me short or little or anything like that! Even thought I just did myself! Or the desk are just tall! Hmph. "You're zhe new student zhat just came, ja?" Mister Beilschmidt said as the student, Ludwig was his name I think?, went through some folder to get my schedule. Mini Beilschmidt gave me my schedule while looking at me very warily. 

I looked at him and gave him a bright smile. "Thank you mini Beilschmidt!" I told him. I could've sworn I saw a hint of pink on those cheeks of his. His father looked at me and gave me a very very small and almost unnoticeable smile. "You're welcome." They both said. 

I went behind them into the principals office. I could see mini Beilschmidt try to tell me to stop but too late! "GRAMPA ROOOOOME!!!" I said as I ran in with a grin on my face. I saw him sitting on a Spinny chair andi immediately jumped. Thankfully he caught me! "How are you Asters?" He gleefully asked me. "He he! I'm fine it think I should look around though. Don't wanna get lost!" So I hopped out of his arms. "See you later Grandpa Rome!" 

I could see the mini Beilschmidt look at me confusingly. I just gave him a thumbs up. I made my half eaten donut appear out of no where along with my schedule. MAAAAAAGIIIIICCC!!! I could already feel like this was going to be a looooooong day. I looked for my locker with the pin numbers conveniently taped on the schedule. I found it and immediately stuffed my non snack bag into the locker only bothering to bring what I needed for class. I grabbed my snack bag, which was white, and looked at the time on my phone. 'WOAH its already 9:15. 15 minutes till class starts.' Weirdly no one was in the hallways. 'Hmmm maybe they're in class already!' I rushed towards homeroom. 

I stood outside the door for a few second before the homeroom teacher started to introduce me. At that moment I became EXTREMELY NERVOUS. I hate being in front of people. Being introduced. As soon as I heard him start to introduce me. I could feel my palms sweating a bit. The teacher gave me a little hint to go into the room. Which I did. Only to be met with a lot and almost everyone's unknown faces. I walked towards the middle before giving a mini bow. "My name is Astera Anthem. It is a pleasure to meet you all." 

I have a bit of a mixed accent between several different countries. Since I have traveled a lot. "Miss Anthem-" The teacher spoke but abruptly stopped when I spoke. "Please call me Astera or Aster." I said as I smiled. He continued. "Aster, would you please head over to that seat near the window, that no one is sitting in." I confused face. "But sir, someone is sitting there..." My sentence drifted off. 'Could they not see him?' I thought. "Oh really?" The teacher said as he adjusted his glasses. 

When he finally saw what I meant he exclaimed. "Oh! Matthew, since when were you there?" I made a pouty face. I felt sad for poor Matthew nobody had noticed him until now! "I was here this whole time..." Matthew said sadly. I could hear the pain in his voice. "It's okay sir, I could sit behind him..." I said as I sat in the seat behind him. 

I started to talk to Matthew. "What is your full name?" I said smiling. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. "My name is Matthew Williams." I grinned at him."So... Why don't you get noticed huh?" I asked him the smile gone. "Well... Because i don't have much of a presence." I looked at him seriously. "I didn't mean that. I meant why aren't you trying to be noticed. You can be loud I know you can so why not?" A few second of silence came before he said. "That's because I've been so silent my whole life. I don't think I could handle being noticed..." 

I looked at him sadly before patting him on the head. I gave him a gentle smile. My serious one gone. "Well then I'll help you with it then!" He gave me a smile back. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. UN and he told the others to introduce themselves too. I was talking to Matthew. "Hey! My name is Alfred F. Jones and I'm the hero!" I looked up at this man named Alfred and gave him a small but gentle smile. I then started to talk to Matthew again before another man introduced themselves. "My name is Arthur Kirkland." He said while giving me a smile. I gave him a smile too. Then some others did it too, Francis, Ivan, Yao, Kiku, Ludwig (again), Feli, and then the rest of them. I gave them a small smile before returning to the important topic of getting Matthew noticed.

Matthew stayed with me for a while talking about maple syrup, and pancakes, suddenly a little white polar bear came up to him while he was sitting at his desk. I looked at it and it looked at me, but then it spoke. That's when I found out it was a boy. "Who are you?" He spoke. I mini squealed. He sounded adorable! "Hehe~ My name is Astera Anthem but you can call me Aster. Who are you 'lil cutie?" My american accent slipping out a bit. He looked at me and he put his arms out. *cue more squealing* I lifted him up and hugged him. "My name's Kumajirou. Who are you?" Kumajirou asked that question towards Matthew. He looked at Kumajirou and sweat dropped. "I'm Matthew Williams... Your owner."

At that moment I facepalmed.  



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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