Love struck (Sterek Fanfic)

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Hey guys this is my very first attempt at writing any fanfic. Hope y'all enjoy!

Chapter 1

The Lost Wolf

It was just another boring day at school, Scott in front of me, coach yelling at us because we weren't paying attention. Scott was ready to leave so he could go see Allison, I still needed to tell him! But how, how was I going to tell him that Derek is missing? *DING DING* Finally schools out. "Hey wait up Scott." "What's up stiles? I really need to go," Scott said trying to inch closer to his bike while he talked. "Can I just meet you at your house or something? It's important," I asked. I still don't know how I'm going to tell him.

He agreed to meet me, but only for a few minutes. I was speeding, trying hard not to go over the speed limit to much. I finally reached his house and ran up to his bedroom. Scott was on the phone, probably with Allison, of course. I waited quietly while he wrapped up his conversation with his girlfriend. "Okay, so what do you want to tell me?" He asked with a little frustration in his voice. "Okay, so I was talking to Isaac earlier and...-" "Stiles, can you hurry this up? I have to go." Scott said cutting me off mid sentence. "Okay well i don't know how to tell you this but Derek's missing, he ran away Scott!" I finally just told him. He looked a little confused, like i said it in Japanese. "Did you hear me man?" "Yeah...yeah I heard you. What do you mean he's missing?" He asked, Still looking kind of confused. "I mean he's gone, he's nowhere to be found. Isaac and Boyd can't find him anywhere."

Before I knew it, Scott was racing out to my jeep and throwing himself into the drivers seat. "Are you coming stiles? I need to talk to Isaac!" He said a bit angrily. When I got in he was on the phone with Isaac. They were yelling at each other, I couldn't hear Isaac but it sounded like Scott was trying to blame him for Derek's disappearance. I don't understand why they are so worried. I mean its DEREK, he has never been nice to them. He's always mad and a little scary. But it must be a werewolf thing, after all he is their Alpha.

We made it to the old half burned downed house. It was so scary looking, like something you would see in a horror movie. Scott saw my reaction to the house and said "Oh man up Stiles." Before we could reach the stairs to the front door Isaac opened the door. "Hey Scott... Stiles." "Hey" me and Scott said at the same time. "So why'd you think he ran away?" Scott said once we were inside. "I don't know, he could of been kidnapped." Isaac replied. "Seriously, Derek being kidnapped? Okay." Scott said sarcastically. Isaac just rolled his eyes. I could totally see a bromance, but whatever that's beside the point. I spoke up, "He could have tried to go and find a different pack?" "But an Alpha wouldn't leave his pack" Isaac said, Scott agreeing with him. "We'll why not? All he has is a few teenagers. Maybe he wants a bigger, better, and stronger pack." As soon as I said it I immediately regretted it. "Are you trying to get your throat ripped out?" Isaac said angrily. "Wait, do you hear that?" Scott said putting his hands up to calm us. "A howl," Isaac said. "Derek," both Scott and Isaac said.

Chapter 2

The Concrete Jail

Scott and Isaac were sprinting out of the door in no time. "Wait! Guys wait!" They didn't listen. I ran out to my jeep, fumbling to find my keys. I got into my jeep as fast as could and started it. I could still see Isaac and Scott running further and further away from me. I started driving as fast as my old, crappy jeep would go towards the wolves that were leading the way. My jeep wouldn't go any faster, I was loosing them. Soon they were out of sight. "Dammit!" How could I loose them, they were right in front of me. I suddenly heard howls. It sounded like there were at least 20 wolves, but then I remembered Derek said that two wolves could sound like 20. I raced towards the howls, picking up pace, trying not to push my jeep to much. I could start to see a concrete building coming into view, few windows without any glass, a wooden door that shouldn't still be standing, and when I got closer I could see blood stained walls.

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